View Full Version : Desperate!

08-01-18, 11:58
My fear at the moment is pancreatic cancer. In september i started having indigestion. Not heartburn, just a feeling that my food didn't digest properly. My gp put me on Lansoprazole ppi which worked great but after a while i got side effects which were not pleasant (aching joints etc). I was next put on Ranitidine which also work but side effects with that too- diarrhoea and depression being two of them. Upper endoscopy and blood tests were fine. I had a colonoscopy 18 months ago, also fine. Last week i noticed I'd lost about 2lbs and went into panic mode. Constantly weighing myself, but the gp said i seemed to have gained a little since this all first started. I saw her again last week and she has referred me to a gastroenterologist under the 2 week rule (she could tell how worried I am and knows i suffer from anxiety). I know I'm being silly but can't help feeling what if something is wrong? Would having diarrhoea cause me to lose a bit of weight?

08-01-18, 12:09
Hi Katie,

Sorry your feeling desperate, but yes, the diarrhea would most definitely cause a little weight loss because of dehydration and probable suppressed appetite due do your increased anxiety.

Stay strong and you'll soon feel better.

08-01-18, 12:15
Thanks. I forgot to say the ranitidine killed my appetite, just went off food and I have also been dealing with anxiety about other stuff. Now I'm back on a lower dose of lansoprazole my appetite is back. I just have to try to stop weighing myself