View Full Version : Newly Anxious - how do I learn to cope?!

08-01-18, 15:39

So not sure where to begin so I'll tell my tale of the past few months. What better way to introduce myself than with war and peace...:doh:

I've always been the positive one, the one who can handle a situation no matter what and although sensitive I can usually manage ok. I've got a good job and have made a good start in my career so far which I am quite proud of...I'm a 25 with staff to manage, and a responsible job, with fabulous friends and family as a support network so don't feel like I should complain about anything but here I am...

In September 2017 my lovely grandmother passed away unexpectedly after a very short decline in her health after a little accident. I was there with her and the family when she died and I took a large role in arranging her funeral and house clearance etc as it made me feel better I've been weepy since but accept this is is only natural part of grieving. I'm 25 and have lost grandparents before but it's been different this time.

Following this I've had a few little bouts of illness. Including norovirus (for which I spent the next couple of weeks bleaching the house for fear of catching it again), I then had a nasty water infection, an ear infection, and feeling generally rundown. Then at the end of the year around Christmas Eve I got a headache which has not subsided since. My initial panic of meningitis (I had a non blanching rash too) was swept away as Dr at A&E said I seemed ok (what a place to spend Christmas Eve eh?), the headache has not gone away though. I've also self referred for counselling to see if this helps my anxieties - waiting for contact back.

I'm on, what I think is the 15th day of headache and migraine pain. Visited Drs twice, prescribed triptans for bad episodes of migraines, advised to keep taking pain medication (paracetamol and ibuprofen) have massages, relax, do some exercise, minimised screen time, increased water intake, new pillows incase of poor quality sleep, I've had eye tested, used menthol inhalants and used runs to decrease any sinus pain etc, if you mention it I've probably I've tried it. I'm not at work as provided with a sick note which I have an Occ health meeting about tomorrow which is causing me to stress a bit!

I'm usually the strong one, the happy, smiley one and I'm just not me at the moment combined with my irrational self diagnosis of a brain tumour due to this headache not dissapearing.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for or expecting but thought a vent may help. I'm sure there are hundereds of us in a similar situation out there. Maybe we can help each other...