View Full Version : A Symptom Symphony

08-01-18, 20:05
Last night I had a really bad panic attack that was preceded by me hyperventilating for hours on end. I was in bed, and I was getting up from laying down when suddenly this rush of pressure washed over my head. Of course, I freaked out and went to my father to tell him what happened to me. He told me I had nothing to worry about. The next 3-4 hours were spent in my living room trying to fall asleep. During that time, I couldn't fall asleep due to my anxiety constantly waking me as I drifted off to sleep. I began hyperventilating again which screwed up my breathing even more. It was strange, because as I began to fall asleep, it felt like I stopped breathing for a split second, only for me to awake and gasp for air. Eventually I took one pill of lorazepam (ativan), which calmed me down and allowed me to sleep for about three and a half hours. I woke up only to find myself hyperventilating once more. I also noticed a pain in my head whenever I coughed or bent over. In my ever boundless wisdom, I googled my symptoms only to find the worst of the worst: strokes, brain tumors, aneurysms, and intracranial hemorrhages. Of course, that sent me into a panic once more, which has led me to post this here. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow morning, so hopefully I can get some answers then. Just wondering, can what I described be caused by anxiety?