View Full Version : Still so afraid...

08-01-18, 22:31
Hey everyone,

Today I googled again after resisting the urge to. Been having some problems with my left leg, tomorrow as I write this I will be having an ultrasound on the lump I have for so long now. The thing is, I still can't shake the thought I have a blood clot in there, I've noticed some small marks on my leg and ankle and my foot and shin are cold to touch at night, however it doesn't seem to be like this during the day. I hoped and prayed it was just a nerve issue, but now I'm so scared it's a clot (again). I've had this since November now so I keep telling myself it would be so so painful by now, but I'm still so afraid. I know none of you can diagnose me, but any re-assurance would help so much. I've had it now with this constant worry. :weep:

Peace and love

09-01-18, 17:48

Had my ultrasound scan today, they reckon the "lump" is in fact gristle and nothing serious so that's a relief. However they are sending the results back to my GP and advised me to see them again about the pain which I will do. Seen the bloodflow (doppler) on the ultrasound and it looked fine, they didn't say anything about the blood flow which is great. Just hoping I can stop worrying, and I hope this has reassured anyone worried about blood clots in the leg that has similar symptoms to me. :blush:

Peace and love

09-01-18, 21:03
Happy to hear your ultrasound came back clear :D