View Full Version : I nearly swallowed a googly eye

08-01-18, 23:43
I nearly swallowed one of those craft googly eyes (it's a long story). It was stuck in my throat for a second, but I coughed it up. Is there anything toxic in them? My stomach hurts, but it's probably my hypochondria or fright.

Will I be okay?

08-01-18, 23:44
Yes you will be fine.

08-01-18, 23:48
Your symptoms are purely psychosomatic and anxiety driven. You coughed it back up so why would it cause you any harm?

08-01-18, 23:49
even if you did swallow it it would have just come out the other end exactly how it went in, a little dirtier and smellier perhaps

it is fine

Catherine S
08-01-18, 23:50
I doubt there'd be anything toxic in anything that children could end up handling. ..they're experts at swallowing stuff like this after all. If your stomach is hurting it's nothing to do with this as you spat it out, and any toxicity would have affected your mouth/throat not your stomach. In fact if you had actually swallowed it your stomach acid would've mashed it, and the end result would be looking at you from your toilet bowl :ohmy:

A long story you say...but tell us anyway :D

09-01-18, 02:30
I want to thank all of you for reassuring me. I knew nothing was wrong, but I can never convince myself of that.

As for the story, it's rather silly. I found a googly eye on my living room floor (not an uncommon occurrence when you live with a 9 year old girl). I knew she'd be looking for it later, so I placed it on my desk. A few minutes later, I also placed some candies there. When I popped them into my mouth, I started to gag. Evidently, I had picked up the cursed eye along with the candies.

It didn't taste very good.