View Full Version : Fees like I can't breathe through my nose

09-01-18, 08:41
When I was first diagnosed with depression,anxiety I had a cold and my nosed felt constantly blocked which made me breathe thru my mouth which meant I couldn't sleep at night!! I got it a right state about it and was scared to go out or do anything,took a long while for it to go(out of my head) it was like thinking about it all the time!
Recently I have started to feel the same,blocked nose and constantly over breathing,I'm scared I will end up back where I started and don't know what to do,I'm Orishas if I'm busy and forget about it but I took earlier retirement and find it hard now to distract myself,any help would be great.

09-01-18, 09:34
Taking a really hot steamy shower usually helps along with sinus / nose sprays.

11-01-18, 12:22
Struggling a bit today! Any tips of distraction?