View Full Version : worried about dying suddenly/dying in sleep

09-01-18, 09:30
I used to have terrible anxiety about sudden cardiac arrest and brain aneurysms. i had it under control for a while but i recently read a story about a 20 yr old female who died suddenly in her sleep. Now its back with a vengence. I literally panic all the time about having a sudden cardiac arrest or a going to sleep and dying of an aneurysm. im 31 year old female and havent smoked for nearly 4 years. im fairly active and eat relatively well. ive had 2 ecgs before which didnt seem to show any issue with my heart and ive never suffered from really bad headaches or anything. I know both these things are rare in someone my age but it seems like whenever one of these things happen there is a news article about it with hundreds if people commenting about their own aneuryms as a young or someone they knew who died suddenly young which makes it seem like its not so rare? I know everyone dies one day and that people think sleeping is the best way to go but im not one of those people. please, I need help

09-01-18, 09:40
Was this that story posted by Channel 7 on their Facebook page? Yeah I’m a little freaked out too but in all honesty, the comments were a soncolsation because it reminded me that these people made it through. Not going to lie, someone who posted that if they had gone to sleep that night, they would’ve died, did scare me quite a bit

09-01-18, 09:48
Im not sure if it was channel 7 but it was very recent like it happened christmas night. Im so scared now even though i know I dont need to be?

09-01-18, 10:09
Yeah I understand how you feel. These news channels love to publicise these kinds of stories. I guess I just tell myself that the chances of this happening are really really rare and surely, there would be some symptoms. Rarely do people, especially young people, just drop dead