View Full Version : Worst headache ever

09-01-18, 11:43
all last week I had a bad cold it started feeling better on Thursday but then the next day I woke up with ear ache and my nose was still quite blocked up.Then saturday was the worst, my ear hurt so bad and it felt full and i couldnt even hear properly, eventually i felt it pop and it felt better. So i thought i was getting better but still felt pretty bad, then yesterday I woke up with a slight headache that just got worse and worse. I kept waking up last night feeling warm and nauseous. This morning its the worse headache I have ever had, it is mostly along my forehead. When I cough, move my head or bend over it feels like my whole face throbs. I know the logical explanation is a sinus infection but i cant help think its something worse like a brain tumour. I dont wanna take painkillers because i took them all last week, and im scared im overusing them.

09-01-18, 11:44
I'm going through the brain tumour fear right now too :scared15: . Logically, it's probably the flu or an infection... but the mind tends to wander

09-01-18, 12:22
Migraine. Try motillium. I got my first one at age 38