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View Full Version : Bleeding gums, abit worried

28-06-07, 07:33
My gums are bleeding around 3 of my front teeth, 1 on top and 2 on bottom and the gums look a little red and sore. Ihave had this before but im a little paranoid at the moment because ive a few raised glands in my neck & 1 in groin area, all no bigger than pea size but im so tiny and slim I really notice them even when slightly raised:winks:

I also have some red spots inside my mouth on the roof, which I know can be a symptom of leaukemia but im sure it also appears on the legs along with bruising which I don't have.

Am I being silly to worry about leaukemia? I had a full blood count done only 8 weeks ago to check my iron and im having another in 4 weeks, my GP does them eery 3 mths because my ferritin is on the low side.

My hubby keeps telling me id be very ill and losing weight when infact im gaining weight at last. I don't feel ill other than the symptoms im noticing im fine, very tired lately but my GP says thats down to having chldren and my ferritin levels.

Can someone talk some sense into me? im having a rough week after finding these glands and now the gums etc.... its making me feel abit low.

28-06-07, 09:24
Hi Cherry - you sound run down to me - those red spots in your mouth - they sound like little ulcers. As for the gum bleeding - this sometimes happens so you just need to keep on brushing those areas - it's a build of of plaque - hence the bleeding.

I'm sure you're fine :hugs: we all get run down and tired and think the worse - god I do and start googling and give myself all sorts of problems.

Corsodyl (spelling?) is a good mouthwash but don't use it too much as it stains the teeth

28-06-07, 10:51
Hi Cherry,

I know what you mean about being slim and noticing glands. My son is skinny and his glands are always noticeable, my doctor said this as well. Pea sized are normal.
As for your mouth, the more you start looking the more you'll find. Red spots on roof of mouth is probably just a graze. My gums bleed like mad from time to time (seems to be hormonal as well). Try sensodyne toothpaste and keep on flossing.
If i was having blood tests that often, i'd be more than reassured that nothing else was wrong.
anx xx