View Full Version : Lumps Under Jaw

09-01-18, 16:26
So I found these two lumps under my jaw right where my neck connects to it. They seem pretty hard and the right side seems a little bigger. I've noticed lately that it feels a little swollen there as well every now and then. I obviously assume that it must be lymphoma, is this normal or something more serious? I'm going to the dentist this week for a cleaning so I will also ask him what he thinks. My mom felt her neck and says there are two hard lumps as well.

09-01-18, 16:30
Where about along your jawline are they? How big are the lumps?

09-01-18, 16:34
I have a small hard lymph node in that area since I was about 11, always comes up and down if I am unwell.

09-01-18, 16:35
Hyoid bone :whistles:

Positive thoughts

09-01-18, 20:04
We do have a pair of glands there too, that ebb and flow, growing a little bigger and shrinking down based on all sorts of stuff. My right one gets slightly bigger every time I have a canker sore. I am also at my lowest body weight since I was in college and they are much easier to feel now.

You should only be worried if you didn't feel them ;-) It depends on where you are talking about.

09-01-18, 21:49
The lumps are about an inch above my Addams apple and about two inches apart. They aren't visible and I am really thin too, I can only feel them if i push on my neck. I will ask on thursday what they exactly are, I'm sure the dentist will know. I feel like I have felt them before years ago and I am still fine. You may be right fishmombo, before health anxiety I would have assumed it was a bone as well. I did think it may be a bone as well, it certainly feels like one. I don't have fatigue, no night sweats or chills, sore throat, etc. I did lose about 6lbs over the past three months but i think that was from doing leaf cleanups all day without eating that much from the work and my super fast metabolism.

09-01-18, 21:51
The lumps are about an inch above my Addams apple and about two inches apart. They aren't visible and I am really thin too, I can only feel them if i push on my neck. I will ask on thursday what they exactly are, I'm sure the dentist will know. I feel like I have felt them before years ago and I am still fine. You may be right fishmombo, before health anxiety I would have assumed it was a bone as well. I did think it may be a bone as well, it certainly feels like one. I don't have fatigue, no night sweats or chills, sore throat, etc. I did lose about 6lbs over the past three months but i think that was from doing leaf cleanups all day without eating that much from the work and my super fast metabolism.

Oh yeah based on the location it probably is the hyoid bone!

10-01-18, 23:18
Good to hear! Glad I'm not dying then, ank you for the replys. Tomorrow at the dentist I'll ask him about that area So I have a better understanding of what is all there!

10-01-18, 23:49
That is most certainly your Hyoid bone and I am sure your dentist will confirm this when you see him tomorrow so try not to worry...

Just want to add that lymphoma is actually pretty rare when compared to other types of cancer. Here in the US there are fewer then 200,000 cases per year... Lymph nodes are also not cancer detectors. They have a job to do, they are filters and react when there is something to react to or if someone continually pokes at them. They react due to an infection or a virus and rarely because of cancer. There is no need for us to check on them to see how they are doing as they will notify us when they detect something.

11-01-18, 00:08
That is most certainly your Hyoid bone and I am sure your dentist will confirm this when you see him tomorrow so try not to worry...

Just want to add that lymphoma is actually pretty rare when compared to other types of cancer. Here in the US there are fewer then 200,000 cases per year... Lymph nodes are also not cancer detectors. They have a job to do, they are filters and react when there is something to react to or if someone continually pokes at them. They react due to an infection or a virus and rarely because of cancer. There is no need for us to check on them to see how they are doing as they will notify us when they detect something.

This is solid information. I've often responded to lymph node fears as I'm a survivor. I also was part of a cancer forum and formed on-line friendships with other warriors and survivors. I know just from reading about all the different cases involving nodes, especially concerning the head and neck area, what symptoms constitute concern.

I think the issue really is the fact that by the time a node type cancer is discovered, it's typically advanced. As Careful1 said, the nodes are the body's filtering system. They're there to trap the yuckies. Unfortunately, sometimes cancer can be a yuckie. When a node is infected, it changes characteristics.

I always say: Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Cancerous nodes aren't painful nor are they movable. They grow. There is no doubt when something is amiss and a doctor will recognize this. I know, those with HA will focus on the worst case scenario but the fact is, cancers are rarely missed. You see the negativity because you search for it and it feeds your dragon. My personal experience was different. Attentive doctors, proper testing and treatment. Of course, you need to be your own advocate but when you get an all clear more than once (which is common here), celebrate for goodness sakes! Sheesh! I WISH I got ONE all clear with my real health issues.

Anyway... off my soap box...

Positive thoughts

11-01-18, 00:49
Yes, I joined a cancer board when I was helping to care for my mother in law who had breast cancer... I formed a friendship with a man who is in remission.. He had a very rare type of Lymphoma and I read his story, in his story he had pictures attached. He also had it head and neck. You could tell by looking at him dead on that his lymph nodes were enlarged... They were huge!!! Of course it doesnt always mean that someone with enlarged lymph nodes has cancer but it was very obvious just by looking at him that something was going on.

I am allergic to certain types of metals and can not wear costume jewelry but one day while at Wal-Mart I came across these earrings that said they were hypoallergenic and the lady behind the counter told me they were made for people like me.. I was so happy :D that as soon as I got home I put those bad boys on and within about 30 minutes I knew I was in trouble... Oh why did I do that :doh:.... In any case the lymph nodes behind my ear and the ones in my neck on the left side were so big that I literally look like I had the mumps and they were indeed painful.

Fish, you are most certainly correct.. One of my doctors told me the same exact thing a few years ago. I think his words were, "cancer doesnt hide and its rarely missed.. Does it happen? Sure but its very rare."