View Full Version : Trapped Gas in Rectum?

09-01-18, 19:39
Hi everyone

I'm not really sure what to do. I don't think I have ibs but when I get particularly anxious some strange things go on inside me.

For the past week I have felt extremely anxious for no reason (although I AM on my period). When I get anxious I really need to use the bathroom. Going every 30, maybe even 15 minutes but what comes out is clear? Is that even urine?

But my bowels can act up too, basically this semester i have 9am classes every day so im getting the bus to uni in rush hour, which doesn't help. Today while we we were crawling slowly along I felt like I was going to have an accident. I felt extremely light headed and my heartrate was very high too. I somehow made it to uni and got into a bathroom and had a bm. But ever since then, it feels like I need to have another bm, or just pass a lot of gas. It's been like this for 11 hours now. Nothing helps, not certain positions, not a bath, not a walk, not peppermint tea, nothing. I CAN pass gas but not a lot at once. It's not relieving and once it even felt like it was burning me. :wacko:

What should I do? And does anyone have any advice for travelling to uni? Luckily i'm close to passing my driving test but my theory exam is still over a month away.

16-01-18, 15:44
I had the same problem a few days ago, I had a mug of warm water and it's relief now.