View Full Version : suspected pots syndrome????

09-01-18, 20:39
So been having light headedness and dizziness when standing still, near fainting episodes when standing still (sometimes actual fainting), palpitations when standing still. Although I do have anxiety I refuse to believe these are panic attacks, because I only have this when I'm stood up and not sat down...been for blood tests but results were fine. Could I have an autoimmune disease?

09-01-18, 21:02
Could be or could also be something else... You can have anxiety and still have actual medical conditions... Your doctor needs to investigate these fainting episodes with more then just blood work.. Perhaps a referral to both a neurologist and a cardiologist are in order.
There is something called a tilt table test where you lay on a table and they move you into different positions while monitoring both your blood pressure and heart rate. I believe this is the test they do when POTS is suspected. Even if its determined that you have POTS, there are ways to help treat it, like extra salt, increasing your fluid intake and medication.

10-01-18, 00:28
Hey there,

Although your blood work came back fine (which is fantastic I’m happy for you!) I agree with the above poster, if you are physically fainting then this does need to be investigated. Do not be afraid, although I know how scary this can be, I have FELT like I was going to faint quite a few times with anxiety but after calming down this feeling passed. I have only ever fainted physically once in my life, which was because I donated blood. Luckily I was in a room full of nurses so I got the appropriate care and am very grateful they got me out of it. My best advice is to talk to your GP and explain how this is becoming a big problem and concern for you, and how you feel day to day. It’s very very unlikely it’s anything serious, someone I know who kept fainting had tests done and they found out it was through low blood pressure which she now manages easily with a lifestyle change. There is no need to fear going to see your GP, do not suffer in silence and do not try and fight this if you are truly fainting often. It can be managed easily if it is what you think it is. Do not google and be assured that you will be okay soon. Wishing you all the best

Peace and love