View Full Version : colposcopy result..

28-06-07, 11:02

I went for my colposcopy yesterday after a couple of abnormal smears. i now have to go back and they are going to have a deeper look and treat under general anaesthetic. its so unfair. it was a year to the day i had an ectopic pregnancy. :weep:

28-06-07, 11:09
you poor thing (((((hugs))))). Take good care of yourself, have a nice treat, something comforting.
Hope all goes well and you get sorted soon,

love anx xx

28-06-07, 11:28
hope you get sorted out fast and feel better about it all soon. xxx

28-06-07, 15:47
Hi Jess

I am going through the exact same thing as you with regards to the abnormal smears etc.

I was at my colposcopy appointment last week - were they put some dye in and noticed that there was a white patch that shouldnt be there. I have to wait 8 weeks for the results and then have subsequent treatments. I am so scared it is something serious.

28-06-07, 16:47
I can't tell you how common this is girls - I have at least 5 girlfriends who have had abnormal smears and all had various sorts of treatments and all are fine years later.

Chin up and try to just take one day at a time not thinking about it too much until you have to go and have your treatment - our minds can't differentiate from real and imaginary when it comes to how our bodies respond to stressful thoughts, so its a shame to feel scared and worried even before the event!!I spent a whole summer worrying about a mole before having it removed and it being fine, so I try really hard now not to allow myself to do this (not at all easy but you get better at it as you practice it more)!

Big hugs :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-06-07, 17:02
Thank you so much for the replies - i feel much better now - i had a phone call to say my operation is in 2 weeks (Friday 13th! lol!). so my mind is at rest now that i have something to focus on! Good luck Ann, i'm sure you will be ok too - we're so lucky we have the option for smear tests in this country - there are millions of women around the world that don't have access to it.

28-06-07, 17:18
I know what this feels like as I have had many abnormal smears and colposcopys. I have recently been put back to a smear every 12 months, I was on them every 6 months. The first one was CIN3, and was easily treated.

From what I remember I was told not to worry about something serious as it takes 8-10 years for it to start and become a problem, so I if having regularly smears you should be fine.

A lot of the time they are abnormal because they didn't take enough sample, its quite common.

30-06-07, 23:25
Hi Jess
I know what you're going through and this is just to say try not to worry too much about it. Luckily lots of others have said the same thing to reassure you I just wanted to say that I had an abnormal smear when I was in my early 20's about 15 years ago and had to have a biopsy under general anaesthetic, everything was fine but I had to have annual smears for 5 years after and am back on the smears every 3 years now, I'm due for another one now and hope that all is still well.

One thing I try to do now with this type of thing is try to look past the event, try to think of something to look forward to after I've had the treatment, I've had quite a few health problems over the years and this has helped.

Good luck! :hugs: