View Full Version : how to overcome this s**t

10-01-18, 12:42
Hi all,

I am diganosed with OCD and had before fear of schiz, HIV, cancer etc

2 years ago I had my 1st ever panick attack and after that I developed fear to develop heart attack. I did all tests and my heart is healthy but I always check my heartbeat, check if I can breath , have strange sensations in my body etc. Everytime when something start to hurt me ( especially in heart area ) i am freaked and I start to think that it is comming and that I will die and leave my wife and kids alone :(

I went to see therapist and he advised that all is ok with me an gave me rivotril and zoloft. I had zoloft for 1y and felt 90% better but after I stoped 3 months It all came back..I just cant relax and dont know how to overcoem this

10-01-18, 12:48
Is there a reason you came off the meds? They were apparently helping. Why not talk to your doctor about going back on them. There's no crime in it. AND... take a look at THIS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324) in the mean time.

The bottom line is professional real life psychological help, meds if needed and when you're in the right place mentally, self help and mental maintenance on your own. Re-visiting methods and techniques that help you. Meditation, Mindfulness and other techniques to keep your mind healthy.

Positive thoughts