View Full Version : At A Loss - Please Help

10-01-18, 12:49
I have been on treatment for Lyme & Co infections for around 9 months under an ID doctor in Ireland. I didn’t see any real benefits from 3 Antibiotics (Other than my extreme stretch marks fading) so I have stopped them.

My symptoms as of now are –

Neurological Symptoms -Head pressure, severe numbness (swollen) feeling left side of head,often prominent vein also (right side feels ok), Co ordination issues (Often off balance sensation like on a boat)
Aching neck, aching legs / feet, burning sensation in feet, sinus pressure, tinnitus, tremors in hands (ie when texting thumb going crazy)

Psychological symptoms – derealization, anxiety, depression, feeling out of it, feeling brain damaged, don’t feel ‘right’ , feel I’m going crazy, everything looks weird like I’m high

Vision Issues – Trouble focusing eyes properly, occasional vertigo sensation (Thorough eye test was unremarkable)

Sleep Issues – Extremely vivid dreams like watching a movie in my head, feel like brain stays on while I am sleeping, wake up tired

Cognitive Issues – Can’t speak to people properly anymore, go blank when I’m saying something, can’t take in what people are saying, can’t think clearly

Please can you help me & offer any advice?
I’ve seen neurologists, ENT’s, ID Doctors,

Nobody has truly found anything wrong. I’ve had things suggested from ME to Fibromyalgia to Stress but they no diagnosis..
I don’t feel like I have enough fatigue for an ME diagnosis or enough pain for Fibromyalgia..

Mainly it’s the psych and brain symptoms bothering me the most

I’m only 23 and been symptomatic since 19 (It started with only head pressure and dizziness and derealization)

9 Months Antibiotics did not assist in my symptoms I am now looking for an alternate route.



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---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

All these symptoms are 24/7 constant every day and have been for years

10-01-18, 14:29
Maybe your symptoms are not due Lyme?

How was your Lyme disease diagnosed? Maybe you should visit a psychiatrist? I had some similar symptoms and all were due to severe anxiety disorder.

10-01-18, 17:16
As far as the NHS goes - I do not have Lyme.. my tests were negative but then I did abroad testing and it said I did have it. Unsure who to believe. Mindphaser - did your symptoms diminish? How did you make them go?

10-01-18, 17:34
I started taking sertraline, and some therapy. They all diminished in like 90%. What testing abroad? Because i know there are a lot of bullshit tests, in Poland were are swarmed with some altmed "doctors" from Ukraine with their weird machines that almost always prove you have lyme and parasites.

10-01-18, 18:03
Armin labs in Germany. I have been taking 50mg sertraline since March.. it stops the 'extreme' anxiety but all my physical symptoms are still there and feeling crazy / derealization... which of my symptoms did you have ?

11-01-18, 10:22

11-01-18, 11:44
I'm not a doctor, this may be bullshit, but I would put my bet that your symptoms are not due Lyme. Especially if those antibiotics are not working. Two questions, after those months of taking antibiotics, did u repeat the test for lyme disease? The one in Germany? Did you have brain MRI?

I had:

-Constant dizziness 24/7
-Muscle twitches
-Constant urge to urinate
-Uneven pupils
-Worse eyesight (floaters)
-Tingling all over my body

Only minor dizziness remained and floaters but these are bearable. But the process was slow, like really slow. First i had to work on myself (with help of Sertraline) and THEN my symptoms started to diminish.

11-01-18, 12:59
Do you have any advice Mindphaser? I have been on Sertraline for almost a year now but on and off (only 50mg).. Thank you so much for taking the time..

11-01-18, 15:27
I was on 50mg too. I'm not a doctor, i don't want to give you any medical advices. Do you monitor somehow your Lyme disease therapy, meaning did you repeat your test to check if the disease is still there? If not, maybe after so long time of taking antibiotics it would be good to send your blood to this german lab, to check if this therapy did any good.

Did you have MRI scan of your brain?