View Full Version : Thumping in ears..... stilll

10-01-18, 14:38
Ok so back in August I wrote a post about how I could hear and sort of feel my heart beat in my ear.

Here I am 5 months later with it still happening. Sometimes it’s worse than others and sometimes it’s louder than other times.

So if it was something serious ie a aneurysm would it have happened already.

It still makes me anxious

10-01-18, 14:53
Do you hear it when your laying down

10-01-18, 15:23
Yeah I hear when laying down but also when sitting up right

10-01-18, 16:18
I get this too....can happen for weeks and weeks then disappear or at least can’t hear it.....only for it to return at variable intervals.

10-01-18, 16:25
If it is what I have, it is called pulsatile tinnitus. It is based on your blood vessels, more than your ear. It is almost always a benign cause (anxiety is a big one, by the way) but if it is persistent you can always book an appointment with your GP.

Mine referred me to an ENT, who had me do an MRI which turned up nothing. He was suspecting a glaumous tumor, which is a non cancerous tumor in blood vessels that while benign, can cause this. I should stress, the glaumous tumor is not life threatening at all.

Mine is always there, 24/7, but I don't notice it during the day unless it is very quiet. I have had it for at least three years, maybe longer.

10-01-18, 20:45
I suffered from this about 10 years ago, and it was my first real bout with health anxiety. Did the whole ENT thing, got an MRI, and no cause was ever found. It ended up going away soon after I stopped worrying so much about it. I occasionally still get a short bout of it, if I'm particularly stressed, but I don't worry about it anymore. If it's keeping you up at night, listening to the radio on softly or a white noise machine can be helpful. I used to have it in only one ear, so I would try to fall asleep on that side because it seemed to help if the affected ear was pressed into the pillow.