View Full Version : How to stop reacting in panic to pain

10-01-18, 16:28
Hi all,
I find that I have a pattern that when I am in pain I react with panic which adds to the pain and I don't know how to stop the cycle.

My main issues are focused around my stomach, I have IBS and if my stomach starts to hurt I start negative thinking patterns like 'This is awful, I hate this, how am I going to face work etc'

Me and my husband would like to start a family but in order to do that I'd have to come off my contraceptive pill and the reason why I started on it was because I got bad period pain. So I'm worrying about how I'd cope with that every month again and if I should even be getting pregnant anyway given my anxiety issues. Every time I'm ill or having a bad anxious time I catastrophise thinking 'how could I possibly cope with a baby??'

I mainly just wanted to vent but if anyone has any wisdom/advice I'd be grateful for replies


10-01-18, 16:35
It's not the physical aspect as it is your reaction to it that needs to change. Real life help in the form of therapy or CBT is effective and there are free resources (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=206556)here that can help if you're in the right frame of mind and put in the work.

Positive thoughts

13-01-18, 10:29
thanks Fish,
I've been reading through CBT4PANIC but think I need some extra professional help with some things so I've been to Dr's and done a self referral for therapy :)