View Full Version : Do I go or wait?

10-01-18, 16:33
So I have had this pain in my chest for about 3 weeks now. I also have a pain on the same side but on my back. Like the top on my shoulder blade. I tried to make an appointment with my GP but since I am a new patient the next appt is 2 weeks out. Should I go to the hospital or should I wait on my appointment?

10-01-18, 16:37
Only you can make that call but the fact you're posting on the forum about it and it's been there for three weeks indicates you're not in severe distress to the point of going to the hospital.

Positive thoughts

10-01-18, 16:43
It's not a debilitating pain by any means. It's also not constant. It's almost just enough to be annoying. But with my anxiety and smoking history, I don't have to even say what I'm thinking.

10-01-18, 16:44
Just wait for your appointment. It isnt anything urgent.

10-01-18, 20:16
Seeing how its been going on for a few weeks and comes and goes, I would think it isn't anything serious but only you can make the decision to go or not. I personally would wait for my appointment and of course if things become worse or unbearable you can always go then..

10-01-18, 22:27
I think that's what I'm going to do. If it starts getting worse I will make a trip to the emergency room. Just gonna try to ride it out for now I guess.