View Full Version : Neck Lump with body pain and ear clogged

10-01-18, 18:26

I have a neck lump in the right side above collar bone for the past two months. After a slow GP process, My blood test report came clean and my ultrasound was not conclusive. They suggested for a biopsy. I am going to meet a private ENT specialist before deciding the next treatment. Meanwhile I would like to share the symptoms and see if any one had similar

I have both of shoulders and armpits paining. Also the back neck and behind the ears paining slightly. Ears clogged and some kind of fluid draining. Neck lump is firm and not increased or decreased with its size. Does any one had these problems and diagnosed with no serious issues? Did all these symptoms vanish after any specific treatment or on its own? Can it still be an infection even though blood test came clean.

Though I know everyone's body is different. I am trying to understand if the above symptoms are common and still cause no serious issues like cancer or any other deadly diseases. Can Benign lumps have similar symptoms?

At this point I have sleep less nights and lots of worries. I guess anxiety is also playing a part in some of the symptoms. Sometimes i feel like itching but when i focus of some other job, i am not realizing those. Currently, life is hell. Eagerly waiting to bring positivity.