View Full Version : Flu & Sepsis Fears

10-01-18, 18:54
With this Aussie flu H3N2 virus going around I've been in a alert mindset with whatever is happening around me. However I don't think I'll be able to keep my guard up for long as I'm going to go out eventually.

I have psoriasis which means my immune system attacks itself. But I have no idea what that means for me and the flu, an aggressive immune system points to it being strong but other sources on the internet point to psoriasis meaning you're weak to the flu.

So being the logical driven person I am I start to take Bassetts multivitamins and Actimel to prepare my immune system for the flu. I don't have a serious outbreak of psoriasis, just tiny patches here and there.

However as much clueless I am about my immune system I am very worried about flu complications with pneumonia being the worst. On top of that I recently learned about another illness called Sepsis which has made me scared of getting the flu more as it basically has the same symptoms of flu which could hide it or I can get it as a complication, what made this a lot scarier for me is that I thought if my immune system is actually aggressive, what's stopping it from going overdrive for a simple flu virus.

Then I was googling all the connections with psoriasis and sepsis trying to find some reassuring statistics or info which got me into a full blown anxiety attack. I'm the worst when in comes to anxiety, I tend to catastrophize everything

10-01-18, 19:00
Did you get a flu shot? They're saying it still is the best protection aside from common sense.

Positive thoughts

10-01-18, 19:03
Did you get a flu shot? They're saying it still is the best protection aside from common sense.

Positive thoughts

I haven't but I don't think it would be useful now bc it takes 2 weeks to build up antibodies against infection and I think the flu might hit me more earlier.

10-01-18, 19:48
I have psoriasis due to stress that covers my entire scalp, forehead and nose and i've never heard of any connection to that and sepsis or the flu.

I use medicated shampoo which does the job and a steroid ointment if it bleeds.

You're probably thinking of the more advanced form of psoriasis that causes boils that very very rarely happens and even if it does it isn't a big deal, cleared with antibiotics.

Your immune system isn't compromised just because it attacks your skin. If you get the flu it will be like any other flu. Unpleasant but not fatal.

10-01-18, 19:51
I haven't but I don't think it would be useful now bc it takes 2 weeks to build up antibodies against infection and I think the flu might hit me more earlier.

Sorry.. that's just silly and fatalistic thinking. Get the jab!

Positive thoughts

10-01-18, 20:04
Sepsis is a blood infection and when one has it, they are very very ill and so its not going to go undetected. Most people are aware when they have some type of infection because your body gives you clues, esp if its an infected wound and so they would seek treatment.. Only untreated infections progress into sepsis and its not likely that someone is going to ignore signs of infection.

Yes the flu is going around and yes perhaps it may affect you but then again perhaps it wont.. Just because the flu is going around doesn't mean that you will deff get it. There really is not a whole lot that you can do to avoid it other then getting a flu shot, avoid touching your face, wash your hands frequently and of course keep away from others who are sick. If you do happen to catch it, its not the end of life. There are tons of us on this board alone that have came into contact with the flu this year and although we felt crappy for a time, we are all still here. Also, keep in mind that not everyone who catches the flu bug will go on to develop symptoms.

If you are concerned, go and get yourself the flu shot.