View Full Version : Cold that won't go away making me anxious

10-01-18, 20:03
I've had a cold for two weeks and it's making me really anxious. It started Dec 27 with stuffy nose and headache, then moved into my throat, then my chest on New Year's Eve. Now I still have the cough (though better than it was) and nasal congestion and a bit of scratchy throat. I have asthma so I've been taking puffers but this cold won't budge.

I'm going to see my GP tomorrow but I'm really worried. Usually my colds only last a few days, I haven't had one this bad in ages. Is it normal for a cold to hang on this long??

I don't know what could be wrong with me because I've never had a fever with this cold so that seems to point away from pneumonia?

10-01-18, 20:22
I've had a cold for two weeks and it's making me really anxious. It started Dec 27 with stuffy nose and headache, then moved into my throat, then my chest on New Year's Eve. Now I still have the cough (though better than it was) and nasal congestion and a bit of scratchy throat. I have asthma so I've been taking puffers but this cold won't budge.

I'm going to see my GP tomorrow but I'm really worried. Usually my colds only last a few days, I haven't had one this bad in ages. Is it normal for a cold to hang on this long??

I don't know what could be wrong with me because I've never had a fever with this cold so that seems to point away from pneumonia?

Yep... I got the crud too. Started last Saturday and it's actually been getting worse. I woke up with freaking pink eye this morning! So... it's OTC cold meds and fortunately I have a tube of antibiotic for the eye. It is what it is. Common sense rules. Plenty of fluids, OTC remedies and rest.

Feel better soon...

Positive thoiughts

10-01-18, 20:31
There’s some really nasty virus’ going round at the moment, I came down with a cold at the beginning of December, started to feel better but woke up New Year’s Day feeling awful. Heavy cold, barking cough, high temperature, aching muscles. Finally went to see my GP last Thursday as I hadn’t felt right for nearly a month and was told “it’s a cold, you’ll be over it soon” at that point I didn’t believe him, yet here I am feeling a lot better, not 100% but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.
I hope you’re feeling better soon.

10-01-18, 20:43
Yes there are lots of nasty viruses going on. I've had a chest infection for a month now and still not gone. I wouldn't worry.

10-01-18, 20:55
Thanks everyone. It's been extremely cold in Canada this winter, to levels there haven't been in my lifetime, so maybe it has something to do with that. A bunch of my students were sick for a while before Christmas too. Just need to try and centre myself I guess.

Chris 614
10-01-18, 20:56
Mine lasted about five weeks. I had laryngitis for four weeks of it. I still have stuffy/runny nose at times, but it's much better. Be patient.

10-01-18, 22:05
Sooooooo many people I know have caught this ongoing cold. Some have had it for over a month! Whether it's a combination of one virus leaving your immune system to be weaker leading to another virus, or a super long one, who knows??? Just that it's very common at the moment!

11-01-18, 19:20
Saw the doctor today and he said I'm okay, just to keep taking the puffers and he gave me an antibiotic for a week because my throat looked inflamed. The cough is definitely better today but now I'm a bit paranoid about my throat because a google search turned up something about sepsis.

Really frustrating, it's been seven years next month since my first bad anxiety flare (and when I joined up here!) and it's neverending no matter how much therapy I've done. Not constant anymore, I've been good for a long time, but flares up whenever I get the slightest bit sick.

11-01-18, 21:00
Did the doctor swab your throat to check for bacterial infection before prescribing antibiotics? Colds can make the throat look inflammed. Antibiotics will NOT do anything for a cold. If you haven’t had any fever, then it’s unlikely you have a bacterial infection, and antibiotics can do more harm than good. I’m not a doctor, but every time I get a cold my throat stays red/inflammed until I’m completely well, which may be two to three weeks. Plus my doctor has told me everything I just told you.

11-01-18, 21:29
I am on day 4 of the flu and in complete misery. My son is on day 6, my daughter too, and they are driving me up the wall b/c i can't get any rest and I feel so lousy. I don't feel like this is EVER going to go away, but at least I am no longer in fetal position crying (that was on the second day when my husband stayed at work until 6:30 and my daughter flipping wet the bed, and I needed to sleep so bad and there was just no relief!!!!) No anxiety over it but just more frustrated and irritated at this point :shrug:

12-01-18, 22:19
Well, my throat feels way better today and I'm coughing less. My parents are both sick now so I'm wondering if I managed to pick up two colds one after another, because both of them were sick just before Christmas and I assumed I picked up the bug originally from them.

Hope everyone who's posted here is feeling better.