View Full Version : Escitalopram full effect

10-01-18, 20:06
I probably am posting a question that has been asked by many others, but i can't go via the search function as i don't have the patience. :(

When does 10mg cipralex fully kick in?

For me it's been almost 2 months since i started taking it. Even though i feel better, it's still not me. And even more, it take it with 0.5 lorazepam in the morning and evening. When i try to reduce that anxiety kicks in, so the reason why I'm asking the question.

Thank you in advance. And God Bless!

11-01-18, 01:42
I needed to go up to 20 mg and after a month at 20 felt much better.

11-01-18, 01:48
Yes, I needed to go to 15 :) An increase is probably in order. Talk to your doc.

11-01-18, 02:47
It's two stage.

Stage one is stimulating Serotonin into the synapse more than before. This gives the process to extract that Serotonin more time to take it.

Stage two is down regulation. It "plugs up" the receptor that re absorbs the Serotonin back out. This means it's in there longer to add to the stage one effect.

Stage one is fast. It will be doing that as he drug reaches steady state in your blood plasma stage two takes longer. Without looking individually I know I read a steady of one SSRI which said a month for that but Fluoxetine is always an exception as it's half life is so long that it takes over a month just to get to steady state.

But the trouble can also be side effects. We often go by an informal 4-6 weeks for that so really would just be banking on feeling much better anyway? It's too individual. For me on one like Citalopram it took 5 weeks to see the side effects finally go (they started easing in week 3) but I felt different after two months, then again after three months from start.

But something to also consider is you. Are these drugs to mask your anxiety so you feel more if it or are they to give you breathing space to work no your anxiety. After all, none of these drugs cure anxiety or make you recover, they just take symptoms away and you change yourself or work through therapy to do so.

The minimum therapeutic dose of SSRI's tends to saturate receptors to about 80% (it differs by drug) and going up a dose tends to get you 85%. Further on it tends to be a few %. But some people, like swgrl shows, find that does benefit them so despite all the science much of what is the guide is how you feel. Obviously, the model is more complicated than this because they may be called Serotonin meds but they also stimulate other neurotransmitters & their receptors and for most of them it's too a much lesser degree but they start meaning more as reach the maximum dosages (and meds like SSRI'S, TCA's, etc are meant to work on multiple systems anyway).

11-01-18, 19:38
I have decided to give the 10mg dose a full 3 months before deciding with my doctor if i should increase or not.

I also decided to help the pill work and stop feeling sorry for myself and act sick. My doctor said a few weeks ago, maybe the pill is already working but you don't see as you are expecting it to everything for you.

Last time it worked great, I'm sure this time will also work.

12-01-18, 02:14
One thing that also helps is taking care of yourself: eating decently (avoiding McD's, junk food), no alcohol, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, etc. Anything you can do to boost your overall health also makes you feel better and works to make the meds more effective.

12-01-18, 04:54
One thing that also helps is taking care of yourself: eating decently (avoiding McD's, junk food), no alcohol, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, etc. Anything you can do to boost your overall health also makes you feel better and works to make the meds more effective.

Yes, the often missed elements by the pro drug route. The med isn't creating new Serotonin at all, just increasing efficiency of it's use in this specific method of action. The brain still has to have the raw materials to make it, the precursors.

Addressing nutrition is important. Not Serotonin foods, they are uncommon and it doesn't pass the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) anyway. And there ways to encourage uptake of the precursor and ways to allow the body not too as well.

Otherwise it's like making an engine more fuel efficient but still not getting the miles you want out of it because more fuel is needed.