View Full Version : Nausea and gagging every morning before work

11-01-18, 01:19
Let me preface my post by saying that in September, my uncle committed suicide and I had a super busy semester (working 50-60 hour weeks between school & work). I keep trying to remind myself that I'm probably just recovering from months of stress, but I keep freaking out about everything.

When I get anxious, I tend to also get nauseous and sometimes gag. It's worse when I have to get up early - if I can sleep in a bit, it's not as bad. But for several days last week I couldn't make it to work because I was so anxious. I literally woke up anxious and shaking (chills). The cold spell here in the southern US didn't help, either.

I don't know how to stop being anxious and ruminating. I get anxious about becoming anxious. It's a vicious loop and I can't kick myself out of it. I start class again next week and I'm freaking out that I won't be able to function.

I have acid reflux and IBS and I keep freaking out that the morning nausea is some kind of physical illness that mimics GERD/LPR. Like all my anxiety and nausea symptoms are from an ulcer, or diabetes, or gallbladder disease, or .... the list goes on.

11-01-18, 02:36
I got that when I was at my peak anxiety. In the morning your cortisol levels are high, a natural part of your body waking up. But when you have anxiety it can make you shakey and edgey. Anxiety can also cause/exacerbate reflux and gastritis. I found getting whatever food I could tolerate in me could help in the short term. Long term the CCI modules helped, and seeing a therapist helped.

You can find the CCI modules and other great free resources in this thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324

Don't underestimate how your recent stress can affect you physically. Your body is telling you that it's time to be kind to yourself. Good luck!

11-01-18, 03:18
But wouldn’t the pain be getting worse? I mean o assume it would?