View Full Version : Confused, was doing well.....

11-01-18, 12:35
Not sure if anyone can relate, I am so confused. I have had anxiety for just over 6 months now and was gradually getter better, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and feeling a lot more up beat in myself, anxiety wasn't completely gone but a lot better than the early months.

However in the last week or so, my anxiety seems to have increased, not by a high amount, but enough to get me questioning everything and coming back on NMP!

Some people have said something must have triggered it, but have racked my brains and nothing springs to mind and some people tell me you are still healing, there will be ups and downs before it gets better. I am questioning myself now, thinking have I been doing things wrong. I just get on with life, work, usual routine and try and keep the anxiety to one side. Any thoughts....?:shrug:

11-01-18, 12:39
Recovery isn't linear.

Just keep doing what you were doing before.

Questioning 'why' just feeds the anxiety.

11-01-18, 13:18
I'm someone who was doing brilliantly in CBT, hit a bit of a bad spell, and am doing better again but not quite as good as I was at my best...

When people are dieting they can get too obsessed with weighing themselves every day, which means they start obsessing over every pound or ounce gained or lost. But your bodyweight varies, and it's the downward trend that's important to track, not the daily fluctuations.

Recovery's a bit like that, if you plotted it on a graph it would be like your weight - ups and downs but eventually a downward trend, which is what's important.

The important thing is to see relapses as what they are, roadbumps along the way. Dust yourself down, use the techniques you've learnt, and move on. The fact you're noticing things is actually a good sign, just don't get disheartened because blips will always happen.

11-01-18, 13:38
thanks for your replies, this is my first set back/blip as such, and it isn't nice when you feel recovery is just around the corner, only to be stamped back down again.

11-01-18, 13:42
thanks for your replies, this is my first set back/blip as such, and it isn't nice when you feel recovery is just around the corner, only to be stamped back down again.

I can really identify with that. Just don't take it too hard and keep going. Good luck.