View Full Version : Really struggling this week, so lost :(

11-01-18, 12:54
Hey everyone,

Last week I upped my dosage of Pregabalin to 225mg a day (150 at night, 75 in the morning) - I've been super tired since. But I think this is totally messing with my head and I'm just so anxious

My vision feels funny, I feel like I can't focus, I have such bad tinnitus and my head is jumping straight to that brain tumour fear once again.

I get super panicky whenever my vision doesn't feel quite right and can only jump to a tumour every time.

Although, I'm tired so maybe that is why?

I don't know, I just can't stop thinking about a brain tumour. It's all I think about, talk about and am scared about.

I just want my life back once and for all.

Do these symptoms scream tumour to you?!

11-01-18, 13:06
No they scream anxiety. I get all of these symptoms and more on a daily basis and I don't have and have never had a brain tumour.

11-01-18, 13:08
No they scream anxiety. I get all of these symptoms and more on a daily basis and I don't have and have never had a brain tumour.


Thank you for replying. I just need to talk about how I'm feeling without going to my mum over and over again.

I see you are on Pregabalin, how do you get on with it?

I've been on it since about August? Starting small and now being on 225mg, I can't say I've seen a big change. Just helping with the depersonalisation and derealisation.

I've not spoken to anyone else who takes it so would be really interested to know!


11-01-18, 13:37
It's not bad, i've been on it since march last year. It stopped the panic attacks but it feels like my body is too used to it now so the effects aren't as good now.

It was a great help for the first 6 months though for sure.

Pregabalin can make you feel dizzy at times as well i've found. It was one of the start up effects for me and it did go away but I wouldn't be surprised if the recurring balance and vision problems are due to them and high anxiety.

There's always room for the dose to go up, I believe 600mg is the maximum so don't despair if you don't feel a huge difference right now, everybody has a different dose that works for them on this drug as far as I know.


The pregabalin section of this forum was of great help to me when I was starting it, some very knowledgable people on it that can give you some advice if you need it

11-01-18, 13:54
It's not bad, i've been on it since march last year. It stopped the panic attacks but it feels like my body is too used to it now so the effects aren't as good now.

It was a great help for the first 6 months though for sure.

Pregabalin can make you feel dizzy at times as well i've found. It was one of the start up effects for me and it did go away but I wouldn't be surprised if the recurring balance and vision problems are due to them and high anxiety.

There's always room for the dose to go up, I believe 600mg is the maximum so don't despair if you don't feel a huge difference right now, everybody has a different dose that works for them on this drug as far as I know.


The pregabalin section of this forum was of great help to me when I was starting it, some very knowledgable people on it that can give you some advice if you need it

I see!

Interesting about it causing dizziness, I've been suffering with that for a while now.

I just wish all of my symptoms didn't point to my worst fear you know? But that's health anxiety through and through.

I'm pleased they put me up by 75mg last week, I think I'm just having a bit of trouble physically dealing with it, being so tired and all!

I think I'll go over to the Pregabalin, thank you :)