View Full Version : Increase in Pregabalin dosage... side effects?

11-01-18, 13:58
Hiiiiiii everyone,

I've been on Pregabalin since August when I had a total breakdown and I was tried on lots of different medications but settled on Pregabalin alongside my 20mg on Citalopram.

I started on a low dose, was steadily on 75mg twice a day and last week was put up to 150mg at night and 75mg in the morning.

Since then I have been SO tired, just sleepy eyes all day. It's just making concentrating hard and I'm wondering if this is normal just upping a dose?

Obviously when starting a medication you get side effects but is this going to happen each time I up a dose and is this normal?

I am currently going through health anxiety around brain tumours and I'm scared that everything I'm feeling is because of a brain tumour. Totally irrational and what not.

Would just like to know if anyone else has had side effects when increasing a dose on Pregabalin?


11-01-18, 21:50
Hi Oxoshannon - The tiredness / sleepiness is very likely related to the increased dose of pregabalin, or maybe wearing yourself out with health anxiety about brain tumours - not an actual tumour! Anxiety can take many forms, and tiredness is one of them.

If the increased dose is making you feel tired, you should still stick with it, as it often passes as your body adjusts. Some people have reported here that it has occurred each time they increased the dose, but only lasted for a week or so. Everyone is is different. You may find changing the time of day you take the med helps. Good luck, and hope you are feeling better soon.

fretty freda
01-02-18, 14:02
Hi I am on escitalopram 20mg and 100mg x2 a day which I increased on Saturday by 25mg once a day . Ialso take medication to keep me awake because I have a sleep disorder . The 200 mg pregablin I have been on 1 year has not stopped my stay awake meds working . Now since Saturday 5 days on 25mg once a day more I am zombie vvv sleepy I'm getting annoyed it's stopping my stay awake meds working . I want to stop the increase but now I am terrified my brain will have already adapted to the increase in dose and I will get withdrawal I know pregablin very quickly adjusts brain chemistry . It is us less for me to take 25mg extra if it destroys my sleep disorder meds . I'm not convinced the side affect will stop after a week . How are you oxo now ?