View Full Version : Vomiting after bowel movement - do I need to see a doctor? (TMI, sorry!)

11-01-18, 19:30
This past two weeks I've had two episodes of vomiting after a large bowel movement. The first was a few days ago now. I felt the need for a large movement followed by nausea and vomiting. I felt pretty iffy for the rest of the day, but okay the following day. I didn't give it too much thought and put it down to a bug. But today it happened again, exactly the same thing.

This is a new thing for me. I am constipated a lot of the time, but when I have a bowel movement it's not been followed by nausea and vomiting until now. Is this something that will resolve itself, or should I see the doctor?

More details:

I take Clomipramine, Levothryroxine, Olansoprazole and Propranolol. The doses haven't changed.
The stools look normal - normal colour, no blood that I can see.
Very ccasionally I have seen a tiny spot of blood when wiping, but there were no other things to worry me I put that down to a fissure and took no further action
I haven't been feeling 100% this week. I've had a bit of a snotty nose, slight temperature, achiness, worn out.
I'm having a little stomach pain around my navel, not severe.
I haven't been losing weight. On the contrary I have been putting it on.

I think that's everything. Sorry about the long post!

11-01-18, 20:53
Maybe give it a week and see if it clears or happens again?

11-01-18, 21:00
That's pretty much what I was thinking myself. Thank you for getting back to me, I appreciate it!

11-01-18, 21:22
Well... I don't know why that happened to you but have you ever seen a cat after they use the litter box? They come bolting out of there like they've been shot out of a cannon. That's me! I can't stand myself sometimes! You should have seen me when my kids were little! My son once took off his diaper and painted the walls a nice shade of poo brown. I tossed my cookies in the waste basket! ~lol~ I too have been moved to nausea from bodily excretions. I have no idea how some people examine their own poo! :emot-puke:

I agree with the previous poster about giving it some time. It could just been a one-off.

Positive thoughts

12-01-18, 13:30
Lol! I just had a look in the bowl, I didn't take it out and dissect it! This is the second time it's happened, which is annoying. I'm left worried about when or if it's gonna strike again.