View Full Version : Hi. I'm new to this forum

28-06-07, 13:07
Hi. I just came across this site when I was reading up about panic attacks on wikipedia.com. I read through a few of the other introductions and was surprised by some of the similarities to my own experiences.

A couple of months ago after returning from a weeks holiday I was feeling very jumpy and nervous I thought I was having a heart attack... I ended up going to a late night doctor at about 1 am. I had to spend a terrifying half hour waiting for the doctor. Thankfully I had my sister with me for company. I kept getting waves of panic and had to keep pacing. I had a horrible tightness in my chest and a lump in my throat. The doctor told me to go straight to the A&E which scared the hell out of me. After they took bloods etc I was given a valum or something which finally calmed me down.

Since then I have been getting nervous in certain places like shops etc. I feel like I'm losing controll. I went back to my doctor and she put me on Beta Blockers for my high blood pressure. I also got a full medical check up and I'm in pretty good health. My doctor has also referred me to a Psychotherapist but I have not arranged to see him yet. I had been feeling a lot better the last 2 weeks until this morning.

I'm fed up with this now and really want to do something about it. I have had experiences like this years ago but never so bad that I went to a doctor. I think this is something that has actually effected me for years and I'm only realising it now. Also, when I read some other peoples comments about smoking cannibis I also realised that the first time I ever felt like this was when I got stoned years ago and started panicking. I only smoked cannibis very rarely and irregularly but can't help feeling that this might partly be the cause?

Thanks for reading.

28-06-07, 13:33

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

28-06-07, 14:08
Hi and welcome Liam,there is lots of support here for you,and very friendly advise.

28-06-07, 14:48
Hi and welcome :)


28-06-07, 15:05
Hi Liam and welcome to the site :)

You will find lots of useful information here and also meet some lovely people :)
You are not alone in what you are going through and as you will see there are alot of us here who are going through similar problems :hugs:

Feel free to pm me if you need a chat
Hope your well
Take care
Laura xxxx:flowers:

28-06-07, 16:49
A big welcome to you!

Piglet :flowers:

28-06-07, 17:42
Hi Liam,

Welcome to the site. You will find alot of people feel exactly like you do and you are among friends. You can always visit our chat room to speak directly to other members, it is good for information, support and sometimes a laugh.


28-06-07, 18:03
Greetings Liam, so nice to see you here as this will be one place you'll need to help you recover from your panic.

When you avoid shops and that, it is due to Agoraphobia where you feel you should not go to a place which you think will make you scared, or are frightened in. If you knew this already, I'm sorry for mentioning it.

Eventhough, you don't smoke that much it can still have some effect on Panic as it can effect your breathing, and it can thinnen out the blood vessels which will then make you feel more breathless and sweaty and make you panic more. Hoped I've given you some help and advice there as well all want to get rid of our anxiety, though a bit of anxiety does benefit us.

Take care and hope to see you around.

28-06-07, 18:54
Hi Liam

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.


28-06-07, 20:47
Hello Liam, :welcome:to you!

You're among friends here - lots of help and support!

Pleased to meet you!


28-06-07, 21:29
Thanks for all the positive messages. So many! Zanxiety; not sure I know myself if it is Agoraphobia. I only found out what the word means today. It's only on occassion, most the time I'm fine but since my first proper attack I get worked up in public places like the supermarket or train especially when its busy and I'm on my own. Its hard to explain how it feels, its like a rush of urgency and I just need out. I havn't had to run out or anything but I wanted to a few times. Got some of Bach's rescue remedy today so I'll give that a try. Thanks.

28-06-07, 22:48
hello liam and welcome,
sorry ya having these feelings again, try not to avoid sitiuations as much as possible just know it wont harm you makes ya scared i know but keep the faith.......stay positive.....linda

29-06-07, 07:06
Hi Liam,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
02-07-07, 16:13
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

02-07-07, 19:16
Hi Liam

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and you meet some fab new friends along the way.

Take some time to read all you can on the website pages as well - I am sure that will be of some help.

11-03-08, 08:30
Hi Again! Just wanted to say thanks! This site has been a great support. I finally went to talk to a therapist a few months ago. It made an almost immediate and very noticable improvement. I'm also off cigarettes 6 months now and that has given me great confidence and pride.

My panick attacks are gone. On the rare occassion I can feel anxious (usually if hung over). My agoraphobia is also gone (98%, alyway)

I definitely recommend:

* Talking to a proffessional (GP's don't have the enough time so maybe get yours to recommend a therapist)

* Learning how to breath correctly

* Doing something that will make you feel proud, i.e. giving up smoking.

* Being positive and aware of your thoughts. Question if some thoughts are unhelpful.

* Don't let yourself be isolated, talk to people and spend time with people.

11-03-08, 09:15
Hi Liam

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

11-03-08, 20:39
Hi Liam,

It's great to hear such a positive update.
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes,

11-03-08, 21:09
Hi Liam and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-03-08, 23:53

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way....Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs: