View Full Version : Coincedence..? Real?

11-01-18, 20:18
It's weird, even writing this I feel like everyone knows and that whatever is said will be part of the whole thing (whatever that is? lol)

I sort of feel stupid saying all this, as surely what has happened now, and in the past is just coincedence.. Or maybe it's part of the law of attraction?.. I mean, why would the world be watching me, for what reason? .. I may have just answered my own question, Anyway, here's what happenned..

After a shitty morning.. Phone wouldn't let me play music, was broken in all other areas for some reason.. It was ok when I got to work..
Anyway, that's nothing..
On my way home.. I stopped by KFC, picked up a mega box and smiled my way home..
I walked past this lady and I heard her say quietly "he's just comng now" like she was talking to someone on a headset or something. I hadn't seen her on her mobile..
Should it be coincedence then, that I bumped in to this lady from work who I've seen at work quiet a lot lately weirdly, and now in town?..

It's really weird, because as I'm writing this I'm beginning to feel a bit stupid.. Of course it was a coincedence.. The lady might not of even said that at all, but when I think she might have done, and, that I then bumped in to this lady.. Oh man..

I've already spent half an hour crying, with a knife to my wrist.. Although didn't do anything..

I don't want to admit that I've got paranoid schizophrenia again, after so many years of not haiving it (10 years)

Has anyone else ever had a coincedence like this that's made them question everything and everyone around them?
It's only when I started thinking about phoning my twin brother to tell hm something's wrong thatI started crying..

Who kniws what tomrrow will be like?.. I'm scared.. And not at the same time

11-01-18, 20:52

I know nothing about you or your illness but it sounds to me as though you have admitted it to yourself. And I guess that places you in a position to get help.

Well done for voicing the unthinkable. Now get the help you need. You did well before, you will again.