View Full Version : I hate my overthinking!

11-01-18, 20:56
Something happened to do with work, it's so minor but as per usual my crazy brain is overthinking and I think everyone hates me, I'm dreading going in tomorrow and I feel like leaving. How can I make it stop? I'm going to be up all night!

11-01-18, 21:03
Hi Kate, what happened at work to make u over think the situation? X

11-01-18, 21:50
It was my day off and my boss text to ask who had authorized a holiday I have booked in august and it was the only time she could get off with her kids. (Which isn't true as she has loads of holidays).
I said she had authorized it and I had booked it off last summer as soon as I knew the dates (it's a friends wedding and also my birthday).
So she had forgotten about it.
I feel like she will have said bad things about me and that she thinks I'm dishonest and things like this make me so anxious and like I can't face work.
I did say I would never put anything on the calendar without authorization so I'm upset she would think I would. Also I feel a bit guilt tripped, it's not the first time she's guilt tripped me with her kids. I always say yes to everything and always go out of my way for people. But I can't this time I've booked my accommodation and it's my friends wedding which I'm doing the flowers for.
I'm overreacting but I can't help it

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Ps thank you for replying! X

11-01-18, 22:36
Dont think of a blue tree...

Dont think of your last name...

Dont over think...

I learned through my therapy that trying to not think about something leads to more of it. So what you can do is think what would you rather do instead of over think it?

12-01-18, 13:19
I did overthink and didn't get to sleep until 2am! You're right I need a distraction. As soon as I turned the light and tv off I was wide awake worrying. I generally sleep well unless there is something on my mind.
I spoke to my work colleague and she says I need to not worry so feel slightly better.

12-01-18, 14:48
If you have proof of when you made the original holiday request, you could show it to your boss.

12-01-18, 19:05
Hi Kate. Thats the trouble with anxiety. We over react 2 situations. Glad yr feeling better after speaking ti one of yr collegues. You have done nothing wrong. u wouldnt have booked those.dates without authourisation.. its yr bosses fault for not remembering not yrs. Hope u have had a gd day. t.c x

13-01-18, 13:13
Thank you, I feel much better after a good nights sleep, I haven't seen my boss yet as ironically she's on holiday!! But she can't take mine away from me so I shall try forget about it.
I've booked in fir therapy in a couple of weeks too so I can start sorting myself out

13-01-18, 22:41
Glad yr feeling much better Kate. Its amazing what a gd sleep can do. Hope all goes well with the therapy. T.c and let me know how u get on.x

18-01-18, 06:13
Don't over think too much on anything. It only makes the situation complicated. Hope you will be fine soon.