View Full Version : Symptoms that are getting worse then better...

11-01-18, 22:01
Hi everyone,

Before I begin can I just say thank you to all the lovely kind people on here who have re assured me over the past few weeks, this forum has made me feel a lot more stable and less of a worrier.

Well, for the past few weeks (over a month now) I’ve been worried about my left leg. I’ve had this lump on it for a long time now (its squishy to press and only causes me discomfort when exercising) and had an ultrasound on it. The hospital doctors who were present told me it doesn’t look suspicious, waiting to here from the GP that referred me though as results will be sent back to her. However, November 2017 I woke up one morning to my upper left leg being a bit swollen and sore and went to the doctor. He (doctor no 1) felt it and told me it was muscular and not to worry. Wasn’t convinced so seen another doctor (doctor 2) and said the same thing, told them I was worried about a blood clot, told me I’m 17, no risk factors etc. Cut a long story short kept going to different doctors, all of which told me it’s nothing. That’s now gone, but I’ve been feeling pains (now I want to describe these pains as it’s not like a bruise pain) which are uncomfortable but come and go. I’ve been to the gym a lot recently and naturally my calves are a bit achy (in both legs) when walking but I can walk and I’m not in agony. My rational thinking is telling me that I have been focusing on my leg far too much and it’s causing the pain. When I distract myself or see my friends I can’t feel it. It’s only when I remember about blood clots or read stories it comes back, also noticed pins and needles in my foot that come and go. Got lower back pain too.

My whole reason for posting this is so I can come back to it and tell myself it’s not a blood clot. I’ve not had a d dimer though I would like one but because of my symptoms no doctor has mentioned one and privately it’s £79 which is a lot of money to spend when here in the UK we have the wonderful NHS. I don’t want to go to the doctor again about this, however when I see her about the ultrasound results I am gonna come clean and explain to her everything. Of course if things get worse I’ll do something about it, just hope to God I am overreacting.

Peace and love

16-01-18, 09:54
Hey unicorndusty!
Reading this is like reading about myself last year! I had bad pain in my calf and was constantly going to the doctors thinking it was a blood clot - when they told me it was sciatica i just didnt beleive them and thought I would die due to being misdiagnosed!
Anxiety can absolutely cause you symptoms when you think about it. The brain is very clever, and if you think or worry about something alot you can actually feel what you are thinking about! And every little twinge would be amplified!
I am sure your leg is absolutely fine - and to put it bluntly if it was a blood clot you would know about it right now. You would either be in hospital or in such excruciating pain you wouldnt be able to excercise or see your friends!
I really would not worry. As a hypochondriac myself, I know that is easier said than done, but fear of blood clots is a very real fear for others that suffer!
Stay positive :)