View Full Version : Upper back pains and gas

11-01-18, 22:02
A quick question about that lovely topic, gas. So click off the thread now, be warned! Hehe.


Just turned 40 a few months ago, two years on Esomeprazole for acid reflux (only had it as far as I'm aware for two years) and small hiatus hernia and long standing off and on IBS. A lot is dependent on diet and stress as well (us all being anxiety sufferers you will be aware of the impact).

I've also recently started reducing PPI dose (under doctors supervision and support). 40mg to 20mg in June and 20mg to 10mg (I bite the tablets in half) in November.

Problem: the last few weeks, I've been having a bit of upper back discomfort (not exactly pain) off and on. It is not on the same side but travels from one side (often just under the shoulder blade) to the other. Also, it is often accompanied by (sorry tmi) s bit of flatulence. I've been a bit bunged up off and on the last few weeks, partly due to the usual Christmas excess (food and a small bit of alcohol, I'm not a big drinker, especially with the reflux)and partly because I've had a few hormonal migraines and taken cocodamol (which contains codeine). Often if I've had a bowel movement or passed gas, the discomfort goes away. Until I feel a bit bunged up again. Ever since being on the PPI, I wouldn't say my bowel habits are completely normal (I've had a colonoscopy a year ago and the bowel was fine).

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it something to be concerned with that I should visit my doctor (after my health anxiety spiral in early 2016, I was ALWAYS up at my doctor and now I'm a lot better (although I have small blips), I don't want to go up over an issue that's not that bad (as the discomfort is not that bad). If others have had it, any tips to get rid of it? I'm not that anxious about it at the moment but probably could get a little more anxious if it continues.

Oh, side note, when I had a abdominal ultrasound in 2016 (during my anxiety spiral...don't ask!...the insurance company were probably doing their nut about all this!), all they found was two fairly large gallstones (no gallbladder inflammation) but said as it wasn't bothering me, they wouldn't remove the gallbladder. They said smaller stones also cause more problems?!!

11-01-18, 23:27
Hi Poppy

I've been on PPIs for most of my life, suffer from severe reflux and IBS and anxiety (obviously) so allow me to share my experience.

Yes, I get the same problem. Often my reflux acts up out of nowhere and I do end up with that discomfort on my back. I think trying to wean off the PPI will also produce that effect since now your stomach is having to readjust to having more acid in it, which causes all manner of problems at first, usually gas and burning pains.

It could also be coming off your IBS as I often notice it when I have a flare up of that going as well. Sadly both IBS and reflux make each other worse and if i'm unlucky enough to have a flare up of both, the pain can be pretty severe (and gas doh)

I do think it would be worth talking to your doctor about it if it becomes annoying as you may need to reduce the PPI dose a little slower. I can't give much advice on coming off them as every time I tried I was in severe pain (my reflux is bad enough that medication is the only option for me to keep it under control).

I don't think you have anything to worry about in terms of it being something bad, but I share your frustrations at how uncomfortable and annoying it is.

12-01-18, 00:21
Hi Poppy,

I tried to reply a little while ago but was having login problems due to my tablet being repaired. I am so pleased to be able to tell you I have these symptoms too. I have been on Omeprozole for some years and have started gaving pain in upper back just as you describe. I was becoming very anxious and, in the end, had a scan on my upper abdomen which was all clear. So it sounds as if we are having the same problem and it is not serious. On a purely selfish note your post has helped me and I really hope I have helped you too.:hugs:

12-01-18, 14:57
Thank you guysxxx

12-01-18, 16:18
You are welcome.