View Full Version : Aussie Flu Pneumonia

11-01-18, 23:42
So when I went downstairs, I was perfectly fine. My flu fears where going down, it looked like my anxiety might have just started to stop when a story came on the news about a 18 year old girl who was killed by flu complications it was on the BBC news and I don't think it's fake, it was posted on several other sites as well.

Now it's all come back to me and I'm starting to get really nervous about picking it up accidentally.

12-01-18, 00:00
This is indeed true but one I believe to be a tragic case.

The problem with the article and the news is that we know nothing about her circumstances. For all we know, there could have been an underlying condition that was undiagnosed that caused her death and in this case it seems more likely.

Every strain of flu has the potential to kill people who are vulnerable, the only reason this case is getting any attention is because the person who died was young and because it's a new strain of flu.

There's absolutely no evidence to support that this flu virus is any more dangerous than the other strains.

There are numbers being released about people in intensive care, what does it matter? There are people who end up in intensive care every year because of flu related complications.

Look at swine flu, it was all over the news when it happened. There were fatalities, yes, but again it was in people who were very young, very old or with underlying medical conditions.

12-01-18, 00:04
Some people die eating spaghetti.

Some people die cutting their toenails (true story).

The Daily Mail (the shitty rag that it is) has headline covers reading 'FLU DEATHS UP 77% IN ONE WEEK!!!!!'

Meaning that when flu season was at it's peak, 85 people died instead of 48 the previous week (almost all were elderly, already ill etc). These figures are meaningless and statistically insignificant as those numbers are virtually per million.

Just stop reading those crappy sensationalist news stories.

12-01-18, 00:14
^^^^^^ This

Also, just a heads up.

You know how they're saying this is a "new flu strain"?

It's not. It's H3N2. This very same strain was circulating last season. The most recent seasonal flu vaccine actually provides some protection against it.

The media just hits us with lies upon lies to sell their trash newspapers.

12-01-18, 00:17
^^^^^^ This

Also, just a heads up.

You know how they're saying this is a "new flu strain"?

It's not. It's H3N2. This very same strain was circulating last season. The most recent seasonal flu vaccine actually provides some protection against it.

The media just hits us with lies upon lies to sell their trash newspapers.

I understand, it's just with complications I have no idea how they become fatal to begin with. Do they come in the middle of a flu or do they appear gradually after the flu dies down?

12-01-18, 00:43
I read an article about this flu season. Indeed its one of the rougher ones around the world. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Common sense prevails. Get the shot and use common sense. That's really all you can do.

Yes, there are always a few tragic cases that make the news but generally, the only ones at any increased risk at all are the very old, sick and the very young.

If you get it, it's sure to suck but you'll get through it.

Positive thoughts

12-01-18, 01:57
^^^^^^ This

Also, just a heads up.

You know how they're saying this is a "new flu strain"?

It's not. It's H3N2. This very same strain was circulating last season. The most recent seasonal flu vaccine actually provides some protection against it.

The media just hits us with lies upon lies to sell their trash newspapers.

I agree with Mindprison & Joe.

Statistics are great for hiding behind. Percentages without the numbers behind them are a load of BS and should never be trusted.

Also, what the NHS say is...

A/H3N2 – a strain of flu that mainly affects the elderly and people with risk factors like a long-term health condition. In 2017/18 the vaccine will contain an A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 H3N2-like virus

If you are not in an "at risk" group, your chances of getting any problem is even lower. I'm in at at risk group due to having asthma so I have the jab but I'm still laid up now with a normal cold and have to keep an eye on respiratory symptoms. But I'm otherwise healthy, even though I feel old these days :doh:, and it's the elderly they are more concerned for as they can't fight things as well and tend to have more health problems in general.

There are the rare cases, the healthy people. But they would never consider themselves at risk like all the other healthy people because the evidence that it just won't happen is overwhelming and any one of them is far more likely to have something else happen e.g. a car accident.

12-01-18, 12:35
I agree with Mindprison & Joe.

Statistics are great for hiding behind. Percentages without the numbers behind them are a load of BS and should never be trusted.

Also, what the NHS say is...

A/H3N2 – a strain of flu that mainly affects the elderly and people with risk factors like a long-term health condition. In 2017/18 the vaccine will contain an A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 H3N2-like virus

If you are not in an "at risk" group, your chances of getting any problem is even lower. I'm in at at risk group due to having asthma so I have the jab but I'm still laid up now with a normal cold and have to keep an eye on respiratory symptoms. But I'm otherwise healthy, even though I feel old these days :doh:, and it's the elderly they are more concerned for as they can't fight things as well and tend to have more health problems in general.

There are the rare cases, the healthy people. But they would never consider themselves at risk like all the other healthy people because the evidence that it just won't happen is overwhelming and any one of them is far more likely to have something else happen e.g. a car accident.

Absolutely. Taking into consideration that only 8 people have died in the UK ( afaik elderly and a couple of tragic cases) despite this strain spreading quicker and to more people then its fair to say that the mortality rates are no different to last year. Its just the infection rate is higher, those in at risk groups always have a chance of being infected and suffering complications anyway. The same can be said for all respiratory illnesses like chest infections and so on.

And if they do catch it? Well theres always tamiflu :D

12-01-18, 12:45
Absolutely. Taking into consideration that only 8 people have died in the UK ( afaik elderly and a couple of tragic cases) despite this strain spreading quicker and to more people then its fair to say that the mortality rates are no different to last year. Its just the infection rate is higher, those in at risk groups always have a chance of being infected and suffering complications anyway. The same can be said for all respiratory illnesses like chest infections and so on.

And if they do catch it? Well theres always tamiflu :D

Yes, and the media are especially salivating over health issues in Winter for a variety of reasons since it always allows them and the opposition to take political advantage over the football that has always been the NHS. That's why it's so important to look at what the NHS say as they will stick to the facts.

Tamiflu always sounds like a flu for chavy blondes :roflmao::sofa:

12-01-18, 12:48
Tamiflu always sounds like a flu for chavy blondes :roflmao::sofa:

Vicky Pollard flu :roflmao:

12-01-18, 12:49
Vicky Pollard flu :roflmao:


No but yeah but ACHEW!!! :biggrin:

12-01-18, 12:55
Good day... just reporting in as a flu survivor. Spent a few days on the couch caught up with some tv shows I hadn't had time to watch.

At this point I know more people who have had the flu this season then have not, we're ALL fine.

Is it a good time? No. But it is extremely survivable.

Common sense prevails... I have a friend with cancer going through chemo, I stayed away from her for an extra week just to be sure I didn't have any lingering germs, her immune system is down.

The news is the pits, much like Google.

12-01-18, 14:56
Husband and i had what could have been aussie flu over xmas new year. Yes it was horrendous. You know ots flu when you think you are dying and wish you were! 8 days of raging temp, evil cough and barely being able to walk across the room BUT neither of us got pneumonia and survived.
You cannot eliminate the risk entirely. The health service figures for people with flu are tiny compared to actual sufferes as only people admitted to hospital with pneumonia or chest inf get tested. I know loads of people where i live who have had it and only 1 very old lady had to go to hospital.

12-01-18, 16:27
Husband and i had what could have been aussie flu over xmas new year. Yes it was horrendous. You know ots flu when you think you are dying and wish you were! 8 days of raging temp, evil cough and barely being able to walk across the room BUT neither of us got pneumonia and survived.

Uugghhhhhh!! Do not want to hear this. I am on day 5. 2 of my 3 kids have it. THey have been home from school, my husband has been at work, and I have actually cried from the despair, lol!!! I think my fever finally broke, but I still feel like doo, with body aches and I'm even a little dizzy. Argh~

12-01-18, 17:50
Lots of people are improving after a few days and some dont even get the proper flu just the cold and cough and no fever. If you can leave the house then you havent got flu. Even if you have the full blown flu you will be massively better after 10 days. It feels like forever i know. Been there but you will get better.

12-01-18, 17:56
Whatever "crud" hit me has kicked my behind! It hit me last weekend and I'm still really hurting :weep: Went from my nose and head to my chest to my eyes Ugghhhhh!

Just gotta ride it out. As nasty as I feel, I have no fever so....

Positive thoughts and a box of tissues ;)

Clydesdale Epona
12-01-18, 18:13
I haven't been hit with the aussie flu myself, kicking myself I never got the vaccine as I have asthma but even if I catch it the best I can do is sit it out and i'm sure I will be perfectly fine.

The fatality rates are rather low, as low as past seasons.

It is very true that the very young, very old and otherwise at risk (low immune systems, cancer sufferers, ect) can be hit particularly hard, but you don't have anything to worry about,

The risk of dying from flu is actually rather low and aside from it hitting those with low immune systems harder, the fatalities are generally because it has aggravated another condition someone has.

Try not to worry, flu sucks but you'll get through :)

12-01-18, 19:11
I’ve had some virus for over two weeks. Today is the first day I felt better. Started with sore throat, headache, achy muscles and slight fever. Then sneezing and the horrendous cough, then finally blocked nose, still coughing and random waking up with sticky and stinging eyes. While I don’t think it was full blown flu, it was pretty horrible. There’s some weird shizz going round right now.

12-01-18, 19:14
I’ve had some virus for over two weeks. Today is the first day I felt better. Started with sore throat, headache, achy muscles and slight fever. Then sneezing and the horrendous cough, then finally blocked nose, still coughing and random waking up with sticky and stinging eyes. While I don’t think it was full blown flu, it was pretty horrible. There’s some weird shizz going round right now.

Sounds like what I've been dealing with... fun eh? :lac:

Positive thoughts

Clydesdale Epona
12-01-18, 19:20
I’ve had some virus for over two weeks. Today is the first day I felt better. Started with sore throat, headache, achy muscles and slight fever. Then sneezing and the horrendous cough, then finally blocked nose, still coughing and random waking up with sticky and stinging eyes. While I don’t think it was full blown flu, it was pretty horrible. There’s some weird shizz going round right now.

I firmly believe nobody would take the flu willingly(I might depending how much I was getting paid... :winks: :roflmao:)

I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

12-01-18, 19:23
Yes I’m feeling ok today virus wise, except for the scary symptoms I just had and am now freaking out. See my post titled ‘please help scary symptoms tingling’. No one has replied yet 😕

13-01-18, 10:52
My mother is in a coma fighting for her life because she contracted swine flu two weeks ago and she's 73 and has stage 4 breast cancer ... the cancer didn't kill her but The pneumonia might ... put things in perspective and have faith ... to avoid getting the flu wash hands a lot and use hand sanitizer as much as possible and avoid crowded places like buses and trains as much as possible ... eat fruits and veg and take vitamin D and C and get some exercise and sleep

13-01-18, 12:05
My mother is in a coma fighting for her life because she contracted swine flu two weeks ago and she's 73 and has stage 4 breast cancer ... the cancer didn't kill her but The pneumonia might ... put things in perspective and have faith ... to avoid getting the flu wash hands a lot and use hand sanitizer as much as possible and avoid crowded places like buses and trains as much as possible ... eat fruits and veg and take vitamin D and C and get some exercise and sleep

I'm really sorry to hear this. :hugs::flowers: I hope your mum pulls though and continues to show how that strength she has showed in her cancer fight. Stay strong, everyone's here if you need us.

13-01-18, 13:02
My mother is in a coma fighting for her life because she contracted swine flu two weeks ago and she's 73 and has stage 4 breast cancer ... the cancer didn't kill her but The pneumonia might ... put things in perspective and have faith ... to avoid getting the flu wash hands a lot and use hand sanitizer as much as possible and avoid crowded places like buses and trains as much as possible ... eat fruits and veg and take vitamin D and C and get some exercise and sleep

Sorry to hear that.

All my digits crossed :weep:

13-01-18, 13:54
So sorry to hear about your mom!!

13-01-18, 14:57
My mother is in a coma fighting for her life because she contracted swine flu two weeks ago and she's 73 and has stage 4 breast cancer ... the cancer didn't kill her but The pneumonia might ... put things in perspective and have faith ... to avoid getting the flu wash hands a lot and use hand sanitizer as much as possible and avoid crowded places like buses and trains as much as possible ... eat fruits and veg and take vitamin D and C and get some exercise and sleep

Really sorry to hear this, wishing her a speedy recovery!

13-01-18, 22:27
I have cold at the moment (cannot stop sneezing) but worry this is flu. even though I am not laid up in bed or got aching bones, I had my flu shot last year as I have a health condition so could have mine for free even though I would have paid for it if I had to.

13-01-18, 22:39
tell me about it, I wanted to punch my screen to bits at the sun headlines regarding the 'killer' flu, made me feel panicky like as if i catch the flu ill die instantly.

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

My mother is in a coma fighting for her life because she contracted swine flu two weeks ago and she's 73 and has stage 4 breast cancer ... the cancer didn't kill her but The pneumonia might ... put things in perspective and have faith ... to avoid getting the flu wash hands a lot and use hand sanitizer as much as possible and avoid crowded places like buses and trains as much as possible ... eat fruits and veg and take vitamin D and C and get some exercise and sleep

Sorry to hear it, My grandfather died this past tuesday morning after getting pneumonia, his body was already very week from going through chemo for cancer...so his chances werent great, he was 70 also.

14-01-18, 01:57
tell me about it, I wanted to punch my screen to bits at the sun headlines regarding the 'killer' flu, made me feel panicky like as if i catch the flu ill die instantly.

---------- Post added at 22:39 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

Sorry to hear it, My grandfather died this past tuesday morning after getting pneumonia, his body was already very week from going through chemo for cancer...so his chances werent great, he was 70 also.

Really sorry to hear you lost your grandfather. RIP :hugs::flowers: