View Full Version : can panic attack make tired for 2 days

12-01-18, 00:43
I have been feeling so weak and dizzy and light headed for a year now, done many blood tests , scans, etc. went to nearly 20 doctors they all said i have nothing physical and many suggested its a panic attack.
i am completly house bound the last 7 month and if i walked for less than 5 min or just stayed out of the house for more than a couple of hours i get dizzy,light headed,difficulty breathing and feeling that am just about to faint. But now after having this attack i feel so tired and sick and i would stay in bed for couple of days after not able even to sit
my qustion is : can panic attacks make me feel like i ve been hit by a truck for couple of days after the attack ? or it cant and am having something else ?

Chris 614
12-01-18, 01:26
I know that for me, when I am going through bouts of anxiety and panic attacks on a daily basis, I am exhausted. Your body is riddled with adrenaline and on high alert constantly. It is going to feel the effects of this. Have you researched how anxiety effects your body? Claire Weekes has books that do a great job explaining it and it takes away the mystery of the symptoms. It did for me anyway.

12-01-18, 03:49
panic attacks are extra tiring! I think it's the adrenaline rush

12-01-18, 07:01
Yes, I get exhausted in general when I have anxiety and even more so when I have a panic attack. It's mentally and physically draining.

12-01-18, 11:28

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

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15-01-18, 05:27
It makes sense when you weigh up the feral fusion of emotion and dread that panic attacks cause, that takes something serious out of you, there is no question you feel the drain from them.

16-01-18, 15:29
Anxiety and Panic Attacks are adrenaline thieves and take away all your energy. If it's a long panic attack or a strong one I'm not surprised you feel so tired.