View Full Version : Scared of Neurological Disorder/Brain Tumor

12-01-18, 00:45
Hi there. I have been having a concentration and memory issue, and I am not sure if it is a symptom of anxiety or something worse.

Lately, I have not been able to concentrate in class. This is especially true of my morning class, statistics. At first, I thought that I was just sleepy since t was my first class of the day, but I genuinely cannot force myself to pay attention to what is being taught. I hardly retain anything anymore and I am disinterested in my work. I feel like I am watching the world go by.

I've heard stories of kids who smoke weed and develop memory/cognitive issues - and while I have never done drugs or smoked weed I worry that these issues are happening to me. It feels like my brain cells are dying off one by one and each day I am losing my ability to focus more and more.

I'm scared that I will eventually lose all cognitive function and that my brain will just stop working. I worry that it is a brain tumor or some kind of neurological disorder that I've never heard of, but I'm too afraid to google it because I'm sure you all know how that goes. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

12-01-18, 03:48
Statistics is hard.
You might be a bit depressed, but I suspect the concepts are difficult to you the first time around. If you're serious about passing the class could you get a tutor?

(btw I think the likelihood of a neurological disorder or brain tumor based on this report is slim to none)

13-01-18, 04:42
Thank you for the reply. I didn't consider that depression could be a possibility but I think that it might make sense with the state I've been in lately. I have a doctor's appointment soon and I'm gonna bring it up to get her opinion.