View Full Version : Health anxiety ruining relationship and life

12-01-18, 01:46
Hi all, this is only my 2nd post on the site and I am so glad I found it. It’s helping me to try and find a way out of this and filling me with hope.

I am just wondering if anyone can relate to what I have happening at the moment. I am currently in the midst of a anxious period in which I am convinced that I have pancreatic cancer. I’ve been to a doctor which at first didn’t help as when I explained my concerns it was met with a relaxed attitude and a check of my blood oxygen, a temperature check and a prod around my stomach all topped of with a handshake and told o have more chance of winning the lottery than having the illness. I started feeling sick that evening so the next morning called the doc again and I was just given lansoprazole for acid reflux, this was due to me describing that I had lost my appetite and felt sick.

My real problems have only started today and they involve my wonderful fiancee, she’s all new to this condition and the behaviour that comes with it. She has been getting upset at my reluctance to engage in conversations, the fact I don’t talk much at all and that I just seem down. She can’t understand that I feel constantly anxious, just watching tv she looked and asked me why are you shaking your leg? You can’t be anxious right now? I said it doesn’t just go away to which she replied why not. I tried explaining but as I’ve encountered a lot I get the response of you just need to be more positive and cheer up, a Doctor has seen you he would know of something was wrong. No matter how many times I try and explain that I’ve told myself that but the brain doesn’t play along she still can’t grasp it. It’s in no way her fault I can understand how people with no experience of this can find it puzzling but I just feel like it’s extra worry on top of my already worry.

It’s also stopping me enjoying things, loss of appetite means I’m not enjoying my food, I’m getting married next year and I’m viewing a venue tomorrow and I just feel like I’m going to be walking around in a daze with this continued worry in my head and we’re just about to buy a house and it doesn’t even enter my mind at the moment to check for new places.

Once again to anyone that reads all this I truly appreciate it and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

All the best

12-01-18, 04:52
It is very difficult for people who have never experienced anxiety to understand how all consuming HA is. The people close to us just want us to be the way we used to be. We just want to be the way we used to be. We actually reach a point where we can’t even remember what we used to be like before we had HA. It is my opinion that anyone with HA needs help to overcome it. Do yourself and your fiancé a favour and book an appointment with a therapist. If you do then you have taken the first step to overcoming HA.

Hidden gem
12-01-18, 12:20
I have struggled all my life . I’m
35 and the last few months it’s been the worst . No reason that I can think of either as to why ? I’m lucky although my partner isn’t , we’ve been together 15 years now . In the last month I’ve been worried about lymph glands , that turned out to be cysts under my arm . Blocked ringing ears , headaches , now my stomach . It’s not been right and I’m now in the process of tests etc . It’s very real to me , the symptoms are real yet I know I suffer with HE so I feel mad bcos I have no idea how real they’re . All I know is my stools are soft , My pattern has changed and I have excessive wind . It’s taken over my life . I am on edge all the time , i have lost interest in most things . No one can understand that hasn’t gone through it . We just have to try and manage our problems , I haven’t ever had any meds . I always told myself it’s mind over matter but now I’m worrying it’s it gonna be as simple now .