View Full Version : I keep breaking down... help :(

12-01-18, 10:07
I totally broke down this morning. I had a really hard day in my head yesterday, I felt lost and scared all day.

I could hardly sleep because my tinnitus was so bad and I was scared about that. I woke up this morning and I was a mess, my mum lost it with me and it was horrible. I feel awful.
I hate that I just can't seem to make any progress. I just keep either going deper asnd deeper into the hole of anxiety or I stay where I am.

I am upsetting so many people and I just completely lost it this morning. I don't want to feel like this anymore but nothing I'm doing is making me better.

I'm so lost and scared that I will feel like this forever :( I know that is so unlikely but right now I am so stuck. I speak to people, I try to distract myself but I still feel so lost and scared all the time.
I am so scared I will die, but also so scared I will feel like this forever. I can't budge the feeling at all.
Sorry I seem to be making about 3573975893 posts at the moment but I'm just struggling :(

12-01-18, 14:44
Have you tried seeing a therapist at all? Not sure if that is an option for you? What makes you think you are going to die, the tinnitus?

12-01-18, 15:05
Have you been to the doctor's about your tinnitus? It's an annoying thing, but there's lots of very benign, common reasons why you may have it.

12-01-18, 15:17
Have you tried seeing a therapist at all? Not sure if that is an option for you? What makes you think you are going to die, the tinnitus?

I've had therapy in the past, I see my eating disorder nurse and she talks to me. I'm on a couple of medications too.

I am scared that the tinnitus is a sign of a brain tumour that's my worry :(

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:16 ----------

Have you been to the doctor's about your tinnitus? It's an annoying thing, but there's lots of very benign, common reasons why you may have it.

It honestly hasn't been an issue until the last couple of weeks, I've no idea where its come from!

I just go to the doctors so much I feel so annoying and I'm scared they'll finally find something bad :(

12-01-18, 15:47
If you're getting tinnitus the extreme chances are you've got built-up earwax or an infection or something like that (unless you've been to a loud concert recently?).

If it persists go to the doctor's to see if you need ear drops or antibiotics not to check for anything nasty. And while you're there describe how irrationally fearful you've been over a mild, if annoying, symptom.

12-01-18, 16:19
I agree with Axolotl. They can certainly look at your ears and put you at ease as well as probably give you something to alleviate the symptom. I know it's hard to rationalize when you can hear it all the time. :(

12-01-18, 17:20
If you're getting tinnitus the extreme chances are you've got built-up earwax or an infection or something like that (unless you've been to a loud concert recently?).

If it persists go to the doctor's to see if you need ear drops or antibiotics not to check for anything nasty. And while you're there describe how irrationally fearful you've been over a mild, if annoying, symptom.

Yeah perhaps I will give it until next week. I just hate always going to the doctors like "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii me again, so I think I have a brain tumour... again" - they're just getting fed up and I'm worried they are missing something.

At the same time I feel like perhaps I'm coming down with something, my throat is scratchy and stuff.

Thank you for replying, it means a lot

Chris 614
12-01-18, 17:25
I've had tinnitus for many years. It is very very annoying at times. It's even more annoying when you focus on it. Have you seen a doctor about it? I couldn't tell by your post. It sounds like you have.

I find that using my earphones and watching or listening to something on my tablet helps. I do this at night too when I am going to sleep. I put something calm and pleasant on and it keeps me from hearing the constant hissing noise. It's worse for me in one ear, and that's the ear that has chronic fluid behind the eardrum.

12-01-18, 17:37
I agree with Axolotl. They can certainly look at your ears and put you at ease as well as probably give you something to alleviate the symptom. I know it's hard to rationalize when you can hear it all the time. :(

It is really hard to rationalize anything, I can't remember the last time I was rational to be honest which is very sad, I've tried and tried but I get stuck!

---------- Post added at 17:37 ---------- Previous post was at 17:27 ----------

I've had tinnitus for many years. It is very very annoying at times. It's even more annoying when you focus on it. Have you seen a doctor about it? I couldn't tell by your post. It sounds like you have.

I find that using my earphones and watching or listening to something on my tablet helps. I do this at night too when I am going to sleep. I put something calm and pleasant on and it keeps me from hearing the constant hissing noise. It's worse for me in one ear, and that's the ear that has chronic fluid behind the eardrum.

It really is! I think I've had it slightly for years but this week or so has been nasty, I haven't spoken to the doctor about it because I'm only now hearing it a lot!

Just worried, like I keep saying that it's something in my brain :(

But I will try that at night, thank you!

16-01-18, 21:03
Just thought I would update on this!

I went to the doctors about the tinnitus... straight away he said "Are you congested, you sound congested" and I said I am always suffering with sinus problems.

He looked up my nose and said it was swollen, looked into my ears and said there's fluid behind my ear drums - hello, reason for tinnitus. I've been given nasal spray and some anti histamines and to continue using a saline solution to clear my nose.

Last night I had a dizzy spell while just laying in bed which triggered off the brain tumour fear again, but I guess if I have fluid behind my ear drums perhaps my balance and what not is all off?! I don't know.

I slipped it in at the doctors "Oh you know me...I've seen you and spoken to you a few times and I always think this is a brain tumour, you know would all this congestion cause eye pressure and headaches (he of course said yes)...so it's not like a brain tumour or anything......(he straight up said no)"

It is time for me to realise I have a sinus problem and that is the cause of my physical discomfort most of the time.

I need to push this health anxiety away once and for all