View Full Version : Bad cold to ear infection....severe anxiety?

12-01-18, 10:25

I’m hoping someone can provide me with some help.
I have previously suffered with really bad anxiety to the point that I was housebound. However last April-ish I got a lot better. I was out daily, visiting family and have generally been feeling very little anxiety. I’ve been so relieved.

Last week Jan 2018 I caught a cold bug, same as my mum, I was fine but had a lot of sniffles. Over the weekend I started to feel dizzy, I knew it was probably my labyrinthitus so tried to ignore it. Throughout the week I had this feeling of being ‘normal’ and then suddenly in a dream like state? I had a quick look online and apparently it was common with inner ear infections etc. So I tried to let it go. But now the ‘gaps’ seem to have gone and I’m in what feels like a dream state 24/7. It’s making me really anxious. It’s got the point that I actually feel like crying about my life from last year and how it wasn’t perfect but I was finally anxiety-ish-free. And now I have whatever this is.

I do feel as though some space between my ears is blocked. That feeling you get after you blow your nose and you’re in limbo for 4 seconds? I’m stuck in that limbo. I’m hoping the facial steamer I bought works. I’ve also got an occasional horrible taste in my mouth too. And a sore throat on/off especially in the morning.

Could this just be an ear infection that will go? I really can’t cope with having what I had a few years ago back. It feels like a breakdown. I couldn’t go too far last year, I had set routines, but i could live. Now I feel i can’t. Help.

Thank you.

12-01-18, 10:34
Loads of people have ear related issues from the recent bout of infections that have been going around. My ear was blocked for about 3-4 weeks, and my eldest son has lost some of the hearing in one of his ears too.

The best thing to do now is try not to catastrophise was it basically a cold. It'll pass.