View Full Version : AMD Chipsets with Serious Bugs

12-01-18, 11:33
Hi All thought I would let members know that 90% of these chips that are found not just in many makes of phones but Pc's too have serious flaws in them that means you are particulary open to valuable/personal data being taken from you this will affect devices made and bought in the last 5 years and manufactures are sending updates out to rectify the problems, down side is speed of the updated devices will drop by up to 14%. Not sure why this would be and would have thought further software updates would rectify this. More can be found at: www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology) ATB

12-01-18, 13:10
Cheers Dave :yesyes:. Hopefully the speed issues will not hit everyone and disappear as this seems to suggest?


Had a Google and found the Microsoft download is knackering people's PC's completely:


And it's Intel too by the looks of it:


Fingers crossed my new laptop doesn't die on me then, they haven't worked out how to help those people yet. Well done on the testing there Microsoft :doh::mad:

But 5 years?!!!

I wonder about this because on my previous laptop, the reason why I had to even wait & have a new one, was because of BSOD errors from when I got it. There was nothing online in the forums about it as Windows 10 was pretty new then. I struggled on with it for 6 months and looked again to find it was now commonly known and there were a bunch if ways to try to fix it. I tried them and fixed the BSOD :yahoo: which turned out to be a specific hardware driver that had to stay rolled back. Everything was fine for a while and then one day, stopped in boot and never goes any further. I followed all the guides to fix this and the only thing that I couldn't do was flash the bios battery as it is encased in my laptop so would mean some smashing. Nothing worked.

And now this has cropped up. It makes me wonder whether it may have been a chipset bug? So, thanks for posting this as I can investigate that to see what can be tried and see if I can get it sorted.

12-01-18, 13:31
You are welcome Terry:) I have looked all over the BBC Technology pages as these stories tend to be in greater detail (and couldn't find it) than the red button stories that are only 2 pages long and it was on the red button 3 days ago so should be on the website. Yes it is bug in these chips that causes the data to be easily accessible to any one. like you say 5 years this has gone undetected. Re Blue screens I have had few of these usually after a Microsoft update there is one due tomorrow as prompted on my start up screen last months one did cause my computer stick to stop and a screen came on telling me that Microsoft will restart my device after it collected some data so I waited and waited and nothing happened so powered off at wall skt

Left it for few mins powered on again and the used F10 button on the boot up screen which restored normal working so I am ready for anything now. Tip: I do updates at night when I am in bed so it's ready to use when I get up the next day :) so reckon this latest update is to fix the bugs in these chips. Like I say its affecting 90% of devices too globally so that's a lot of devices. ATB

12-01-18, 13:44
Yeah, I couldn't find it either and I was about to ask you for another link but luckily Google brought up that one about speed issues which helped as all the rest seemed to be talking just about the main problems.

BSOD's just happen sometimes so if you only get it once it will be fine. Sometimes it's a driver problem which sound difficult to sort but they are easy if you download those driver compatibility checkers and then you can use Windows to look at the specific ones it finds. With mine though, it was getting these errors maybe 4+ times a day if I was on a few hours. I thought I would end up rolling all the way back to a fresh install as it started from day one for me but reading the fix guides it wasn't likely and finding that one driver and rolling it back (and keeping it rolled back) did the trick.

I hate bios type errors though where the whole PC gets stuck in a boot loop. I couldn't even get into the bios menu so it was just a big piece of plastic doing some humming! Luckily I've had some experience with file recovery off hard drives and have one of those adapter kits to plug them into a power source after taking them out of the PC but with having such an old XP laptop as a spare I had to mess around converting the format of the drives to even access it which was fun as not all software could even do that or failed to do it.

Sometimes it's like we need some serious desktop training to do this stuff or get ripped off by the shops.

12-01-18, 13:56
Yes and that's another thing in a few years time windows 8.1 will no longer be supported for driver updates etc and in fact was told by Microsoft that they will no longer offer telephone support so not much help there so guess Intel might help who knows Mind you I would never go back to Android Set Top Boxes one thing they no longer support flash codecs so no good for tv catch up services Adobe withdrew flash support some years back so for £95 this pc stick is a sound investment for me :) ATB

12-01-18, 14:22
I went from XP to 7 to 10. I didn't like the look of 8. But I find 10 works fine for me. It's always the case that buying into Microsoft in the first year, and especially the first 6 months, means you can expect bugs. It makes you wonder about their testing!

I like 10 though, it's easy enough to use and the file navigation resembles 7 & below anyway. I'm not really an app user so haven't got into that side yet.

Once an OS has been out a couple of years it should be stable enough. I don't know about compatibility issues with some older stuff as I'm more an Internet & Office user. Office is easily dealt with, I'm used to backward & forward conversion in things like databases due to my last job and code changes in programming can be got around.

I suppose you can always use their forum for help from other users? I tend to just Google my way around the tech forums and learn off the many tech bods out there.

12-01-18, 14:56
This is old news, it's always been common knowledge that all Intel chipsets have a built in feature called Intel Active Management Technology. This can be used to remotely control your computer even when it's turned off, provided that it still has a network cable connected. AMD chipsets also have a similar feature. Intel has a very close relationship with spy agencies and currently all their chipsets are being manufactured in Israel so there's no doubt that Mossad has a direct backdoor into them.

12-01-18, 15:52
Am I right Windows 10 is quite a big file size to download (around 30MB) the Pc stick while it's very good doesn't have a lot of downloadable memory as in a Pc/lap top so Windows 10 might be too big to download unless there is some way to compress the data? I have got fairly used to Windows 8.1 and it does me fine :) It's great for all web browsing and catch up tv and video services like You Tube ATB

---------- Post added at 15:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:57 ----------

[QUOTE=Hollow;1752839]This is old news, it's always been common knowledge that all Intel chipsets have a built in feature called Intel Active Management Technology. This can be used to remotely control your computer even when it's turned off, provided that it still has a network cable connected. AMD chipsets also have a similar feature. Intel has a very close relationship with spy agencies and currently all their chipsets are being manufactured in Israel so there's no doubt that Mossad has a direct backdoor into them.[/QUOTE Well if it is old news the BBC have been slow on letting people know I certainly didn't know till a few days ago! You mean when Mircosoft screen share to fix problems? Hmm Pretty scary stuff really talk about privacy issues it sucks so we are being watched with out us knowing about it? :eek:

13-01-18, 03:07
This is old news, it's always been common knowledge that all Intel chipsets have a built in feature called Intel Active Management Technology. This can be used to remotely control your computer even when it's turned off, provided that it still has a network cable connected. AMD chipsets also have a similar feature. Intel has a very close relationship with spy agencies and currently all their chipsets are being manufactured in Israel so there's no doubt that Mossad has a direct backdoor into them.

It seems to be the absolute cobble up that is Microsoft fixes that is the new issue. Not great when Windows 10 forces all updates on you. :doh:

13-01-18, 10:59
It seems to be the absolute cobble up that is Microsoft fixes that is the new issue. Not great when Windows 10 forces all updates on you. :doh: Think it's the same for Windows 8.1 Wonder who woke up today with a BSOD? A lot wouldn't know what to do and go to a repair shop even Googling it can lead you a stray with terminology that you may not understand, if in doubt power off LOL Speed seems to be still ok off my 2.86 GHZ CPU. ATB

13-01-18, 12:08
I've not turned mine on for a few days so I'm hoping I've missed the patch.

BSOD's are frustrating as they seem so meaningless. The hardware checks aren't that easy if you haven't done that stuff before.

It's true that you get some poor info with gaps out there so have to read around.

The small shops are the best. PC World are a ridiculous price and then it will probably be an IT newbie as desktop work is the least paid so most will want to get better work like servicing sites for large companies or running their own shops.

13-01-18, 12:48
Terry You wont miss the patch it will auto download any new updates wether you like it or not infact my pc seems to be running faster too :) So maybe they have fixed the speed issues to in the update? ATB

13-01-18, 13:35
They said they were removing it until the issue was resolved but I get what you mean, anything outstanding will feed through.

I might miss it or I've probably already had it and had no issues. No speed problems I can see but then I've just come off a spare PC that was pretty old so anything is a big improvement! :yesyes:

Could be if you experienced a slowdown and now it's speeding up. Age is always important too as my older laptops saw a massive slowdown after a couple of hours so needed rebooting. So much gets clogged up as they are opening, closing, running stuff, etc.

I try to keep most files off the main PC now. Trying to set up a network of back up drives for this eventually as it helps stop the laptop hard drive needing a defrag and that's takes ages on the size of them these days.

Do you run the clear ups much? That can help.

13-01-18, 14:02
Yes you will have to try your other pc now and see how it goes :) I will keep a look out for any new updates in the next few days but it's probably was all fixed in yesterdays update, and the next update in a months time! I am not sure I do, How do you run the clear ups and will I lose open tabs? ATB

13-01-18, 14:18
It's in Disk Management. There are options like Disk Defragmentation or Disk Tune Up. I would have to check but one does a fairly click clear out of things like cached pages that clutter the memory or saved temporary Web pages that are no longer needed. You tick the ones you want and there is an explanation next to each.

You wouldn't lose any tabs. It can wipe out any onscreen password saves so you have to log back into places like this the first time. That might depend on if you use password managers for online sites, I don't bother with them so I don't know how they get affected by things.

13-01-18, 15:50
Will take a look thanks. No I never save passwords like you get a message on screen saying do you want to save password for this site Yes/Never/Later I always click never and if the site has a remember me login check box I always use that :) Wether I would remain logged in after clear out ( would have thought so as it's server side on the site!) so would say yes to that. ATB

13-01-18, 15:59
Ha we're both old fashioned on the password front then :biggrin: I'm not sure how safe password managers are and I'm not trusting Microsoft with it on a PC that can be stolen. I always close that password prompt down too.

I think it's if you clear the cookies it would ask you to log back into sites next time. I use the remember functions too.

13-01-18, 16:10
Ha we're both old fashioned on the password front then :biggrin: I'm not sure how safe password managers are and I'm not trusting Microsoft with it on a PC that can be stolen. I always close that password prompt down too.

I think it's if you clear the cookies it would ask you to log back into sites next time. I use the remember functions too. Lol and I am proud of that ;) To me any device that has a pass word manager phone/tablet on any OS is at risk so it's not worth it. Yes clearing cookies would mean a new login again applicable to any device/OS I wont even bank or purchase online either the level of encryption is old out of date and even if that was changed I still wouldn't trust it not a chance :) ATB

14-01-18, 14:36
Need help with a time issue on my pc and it's only started to happen since the last update for Windows 8.1 doesn't matter what I do when I change the time it doesn't stay correct so called my ISP who weren't really helpful this time and said it seems to be a device problem. Everything is set to Auto too. Any ideas? TIA :) ATB

14-01-18, 14:44

Give that a go.

Probably since the update it has turned that back on if you have turned it off?

14-01-18, 16:35
Thank you I will use that if I need to, set the time again a few hrs ago and it seems to be ok now so put it down to a glitch in the system :) Thanks again Terry ATB

15-01-18, 11:17
No Spoke too soon got up this morning and time was way out. Like I say everything under time and date is set to Auto, will I need syncronisastion set I don't have a time server connected, so would the alternative settings still be required?I still think the last update has caused this problem never had a time problem before and had been getting monthly updates from Microsoft.edited: Just found the page to sync to a time server and checked the box and got a time out error which cleared it self and said it's now in sync So think it's sorted now thanks Terry :) ATB

15-01-18, 16:53
Even after all that the time is now wrong again It has to be some thing to do with the last update even after syncro box was ticked? Would there be a driver at fault here? So annoying ATB

15-01-18, 18:25
Even after all that the time is now wrong again It has to be some thing to do with the last update even after syncro box was ticked? Would there be a driver at fault here? So annoying ATB

Does your PC keep the correct time until you restart it or does it change even when your PC is on? Also have you tried turning the synchronisation off and setting the time manually?

15-01-18, 18:53
Does your PC keep the correct time until you restart it or does it change even when your PC is on? Also have you tried turning the synchronisation off and setting the time manually? Yes it seems to keep the time ok when on only seems to be affected when the pc is sleeping (will keep it on for a few hrs now and see what happens) the sync was off and has been since the problem started I turned it on this afternoon to see if that helped using the instructions that Terry provided Edit: interesting the time hasn't kept accurate and is showing 19:11 even though its 19:35 now any ideas still think its the recent up date I had a few days ago. ATB

16-01-18, 01:28
What does it say in the settings? Is the slider set to Yes for synchronisation? And which region shows in the box above?

As long as it's set to synchronise with GMT is should work fine and you don't need to set it manually.

16-01-18, 07:23
What does it say in the settings? Is the slider set to Yes for synchronisation? And which region shows in the box above?

As long as it's set to synchronise with GMT is should work fine and you don't need to set it manually. Everything is fine regarding that Terry fairly easy setting up the time, it's ever since the last update 3 days ago coincidence? No ATB

16-01-18, 07:54
I guess you could roll back to a previous restore point before you did the update and see if it works fine then?

When they mentioned hardware I was wondering about the BIOS. I think the time settings are held in there too but I think you can check this in the start up screen before it boots.

16-01-18, 11:12
I guess you could roll back to a previous restore point before you did the update and see if it works fine then?

When they mentioned hardware I was wondering about the BIOS. I think the time settings are held in there too but I think you can check this in the start up screen before it boots. I could but wouldn't I lose tabs that are on the tab page? And I bet it's long winded to roll back? Hmm that may be right as I had to power off the device and when powered back on there are several options F10 being one of them which is what I normally select but was bit slow off the mark so nothing was selected via the keyboard would this have made any difference to the pc keeping the correct time now? Alternatively I could call Microsoft but last time I called over the BSOD (which I fixed really easily) they wanted $130 to fix the problem :eek: I thought tech support was free from Microsoft, and what caused the time not to stay correct? Edit: I am keeping my eye on it not going to say any more just yet leaving my pc on and going to go out and see what happens :)ATB

16-01-18, 13:50
You can chat to a Microsoft Technical support person using the below link or you can get them to call you back. You need a Hotmail account to do that though.


16-01-18, 14:03
You can chat to a Microsoft Technical support person using the below link or you can get them to call you back. You need a Hotmail account to do that though.

https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/contactus/windows/tech-services/And I take it it's free? Very strange that you need a Hotmail account just so they can call you back lol. Touch wood I may not need their support I am regulary checking the time on my pc and shhh I am saying no more back in bit :) Thx and ATB

16-01-18, 16:15
Yeah, you would likely see the tabs restored to a previous point. Sometimes I store a list of my tabs in a file if this may happen or if I'm moving pc's. I would advise putting that file on a memory stick though just in case.

The BIOS clock is worth checking. That's a hardware issue and not for Microsoft so maybe they would charge there as it's a more general fix?

I don't it's drivers. Not that I'm that clued up on them!

16-01-18, 16:29
Interestingly Terry I was told there are no drivers for the clock (not sure I believe that) Anyways been out for walk with Nipper and the time is staying correct so not sure if a mini update was done while I was out to correct it or because I re synced via desk top. and the time server in the drop down list only showed 1 option (yesterday) now I have 5 different time servers to connect to and accessed the other options via the drop down menu scrolled up and down the list a few times and selected the same option as I did yesterday time.windows.com got a confirmed message on the screen ( and no error this time) saying your clock is automatically synced till etc etc so think its now fixed the only thing I think it was there was a problem with the time server and that's why the time wasn't accurate :) ATB

16-01-18, 16:36
There are drivers for the BIOS though I think as that's about the motherboard.

Yeah, you should have options to pick your time zone.

16-01-18, 17:36
There are drivers for the BIOS though I think as that's about the motherboard.

Yeah, you should have options to pick your time zone. Yes and think you meant to say not time zone,but the various options for a time server Yes it's looking as though the problem is now fixed as the other time server options today was visible, yesterday only one could be selected :) Thanks to every one who has offered help ATB

17-01-18, 21:45
Well it lasted 24 hrs or there abouts now the time is incorrect again I mean what is going on? when I clicked on the time in desk top it brings a window up with a analogue clock and a change time button and its still synced till the 21 Jan 2018 the internet time server area is still set to time.windows.com should I select a different time server or what? ATB

17-01-18, 22:15
Sell your PC and buy a clock :D. I'm not sure what kind of PC you have but in Desktop computers when the Bios battery in the motherboard is weak then it can't store the correct time. I'm not sure if that's the case here, this could be a software issue, maybe caused by an update. When you're ready, just take a leap of faith and upgrade to Windows 10 because there's a lot more support for that. I believe that's still a free upgrade.

17-01-18, 22:39
Sell your PC and buy a clock :D. I'm not sure what kind of PC you have but in Desktop computers when the Bios battery in the motherboard is weak then it can't store the correct time. I'm not sure if that's the case here, this could be a software issue, maybe caused by an update. When you're ready, just take a leap of faith and upgrade to Windows 10 because there's a lot more support for that. I believe that's still a free upgrade. LOL what are like ;) my pc is a Intel compute stick running on windows 8.1 So I doubt there is Bios battery in the device as its a sealed unit! My guess is possibly down to the recent update(like you also said) about 4 days ago or the internet time server has a problem, cant see it being anything else. ATB

18-01-18, 01:40
I thought anything with a motherboard has a BIOS in it as standard. Sometimes the BIOS gets corrupted by things and I think until you check that out, you can't say whether it's hardware or not. So, go into the boot menu and see what settings say.

18-01-18, 10:01
I thought anything with a motherboard has a BIOS in it as standard. Sometimes the BIOS gets corrupted by things and I think until you check that out, you can't say whether it's hardware or not. So, go into the boot menu and see what settings say. Hmm still doubt the Compute Stick has a motherboard it's too small. Interestingly the time has survived right through the night in sleep mode and is correct just like last time but the few times before only a few hrs then incorrect time would be displayed, so that rules out a BIOS battery, and could be the internet time server that's not working correctly. So how do you check the BIOS out? TIA :) ATB

18-01-18, 10:43
BIOS settings are in the start up screen that you access before it starts up Windows.

It's got a single board in yours but I would still expect a battery.

18-01-18, 14:17
BIOS settings are in the start up screen that you access before it starts up Windows.

It's got a single board in yours but I would still expect a battery.
As in on power up from it being switched off and not standby! Yes go to www.overclockers.co.uk (http://www.overclockers.co.uk) they sell them there, it's where I got my device from there :) had it about just over 12 months if it does have a battery and it's on it's way out then Iam stuffed as it's a sealed unit. :eek: ATB

---------- Post added at 14:17 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ----------

Too add this is what I have just seen on the BBC Red button text service: Intel fix, causes reboots and slow downs: Intel says devices are rebooting more than usual and are also slowing down, after being provided with fixes due to the Spectra and Melt down security flaws in it's chips. The company said it has reproduced the problem and was making progress toward indentifying the root cause. ATB

18-01-18, 18:40
I hate the fact that Ive got a laptop that I bought brand new about 3 years ago. i have hardly used it. Came with Windows 10
BUT its slow like a dying dawg
So frustrating as I just want to logon do a few webby downloady uploady things and it just takes an age

I love my Chromebook because its really quick BUT had one big issue , it screws up any larger files that are ZIPPED and times out when unzipping them :(

18-01-18, 18:54
I hate the fact that Ive got a laptop that I bought brand new about 3 years ago. i have hardly used it. Came with Windows 10
BUT its slow like a dying dawg
So frustrating as I just want to logon do a few webby downloady uploady things and it just takes an age

I love my Chromebook because its really quick BUT had one big issue , it screws up any larger files that are ZIPPED and times out when unzipping them :(

Brand new laptops usually come pre-installed with a lot of useless software known as bloatware. These are programs that you will probably never use. The biggest culprits are Anti virus softwares like Mcafee and Norton. Removing all that crap might make it run faster.

You can try a different utility to unzip those files, something like Winrar or 7-Zip, both are free.

18-01-18, 18:55
I hate the fact that Ive got a laptop that I bought brand new about 3 years ago. i have hardly used it. Came with Windows 10
BUT its slow like a dying dawg
So frustrating as I just want to logon do a few webby downloady uploady things and it just takes an age

I love my Chromebook because its really quick BUT had one big issue , it screws up any larger files that are ZIPPED and times out when unzipping them :( Have you had a recent upgrade like I had 3 or 4 days ago my pc is now slow plus my time needs to be set quite often, think I will call Intel tomorrow and ask when they are going to fix the problem. Out of interest what security do you have on your lap top, I can recommend a good free one if you want :) It may just need a good clean up and get rid of stuff you don't use much, so worth backing up files to a ext HDD HTH ATB

19-01-18, 07:27
I use AVG free
Recommendation would be useful though
I'll have a look at the Bloatware thing
Im not aware of other unZips on the chromebook as you can only use chromestore Apps

19-01-18, 08:12
Have a look at 360 total security it's totally free and has regular updates and is X platform too :) This bloatware problem has only come about since a regular software update to fix security flaws in certain makes of chip sets (AMD) so the security flaws have been fixed but apperantly introduced the slowness and rebooting problems detail can be found via the BBC technology news website or the red button on tv :) HTH

19-01-18, 10:57
Thanks Bigboyuk

19-01-18, 11:24
So going to call Intel now and ask what's going on in regards to the 2 problems after the recent update!! Hmm spoke to Intel about the time problem ahh forgot about the speed problem Any way they are sending me a link in a email to me to update the BIOS (for the time issue) and said there would be a battery in the compute stick. A question would I lose favourites and open tabs after I have updated the BIOS The intel tech support didn't seem to know well the agent I spoke to didn't know find that a bit strange as it is product of theirs Ahh :) ATB

19-01-18, 13:25
Probably not Dave but you could copy & paste the tab addresses into a file just in case.

Hopefully this fixes it for you. If not it's still worth viewing the BIOS settings in case it proves that's holding the time it keeps resetting to because at least then you know where the problem originates.

---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 13:20 ----------

I use AVG free
Recommendation would be useful though
I'll have a look at the Bloatware thing
Im not aware of other unZips on the chromebook as you can only use chromestore Apps

Zip management software was round long before apps came onto the market. There should be programs you can download.

But if you are using Winzip it should pull the contents out via unzip commands. If just Windows then go into the zip folder and see if you can copy & paste out the contents if it's just one file. If it's a container though, that's a different process. Is it on an external drive as transfer speeds can be an issue with zipping. It can take up some memory too so it could take a while if you are running a lot of programmes (again, things like Bloatware can add in stuff that starts from booting that you don't need and can change settings to not start on boot or just remove them completely).

There are loads of online guides on speeding up your pc that will give you some ideas. Until recently I had to use an old Turion 1.6 dual core they must have been over 8 years old and it was slow but still did enough on the internet. Yours at 3 years old would be far better than that.

A PC three years old struggling so bad likely means some things need sorting. If it's when on the internet I would have a look at speed usage in the browser because if you have various plug-ins or search bars they can really slow you down. Cache too.

Bloatware, as Hollow mentioned, can install a load of stuff like that into browsers.

19-01-18, 14:15
On the chromebook there is an unzipper built into the chrome o/s but it always times out or hangs when im unxipping anything of any size, chrome isnt the same type of o/s as windows / linux etc
Ill go on the forums and see if anyone has any solves

19-01-18, 14:31
If your PC is running a lot of stuff and it's maxing out then it could just be very very slow. It may still do the unzip if the whole PC is slow. If everything is working and it's just that one program then yes something is stuck.

I've spent many hours unzipping files or running database queries over the years. Some were so memory heavy we would leave them running up to 24 hours on bog standard desktops at work in the case of databases. I've easily spent over an hour unzipping some things. It would show as hanging a lot and start & stop.

So, it may just be speed issues due to too much memory used up by stuff. If so, you can get around that.

19-01-18, 15:14
Well I downloaded the new version but got a prompt saying there was a error installing it Damn thing so clicked on finish, don't know what it has done version 0035? computer booted up after wards So how do I get to the BIOS settings and what do I look for?? What a pain. Never had trouble like this with Android tv boxes but there again there was lots of things I couldn't access via Android like flash sites etc It sucks Ha ha ATB

19-01-18, 19:49
So just did the download again no error this time and it said computer will need a restart so manually did this via the power options then appeared the black screen saying Intel Compute Stick and a few F options I selected F10 Boot Menu and set the time again so here's hoping :) I still couldn't click on Apply changes doesn't seem to do anything when clicked in desk top area? ATB

20-01-18, 17:22
Will add it's been nearly 24 hrs since I updated the BIOS and the time is still correct so looks like the update that was emailed to me has fixed the problem :) would have thought the all updates etc would have come via Microsoft and not Intel but because it affected their chipsets maybe that why it's not a Microsoft problem hence no update from Microsoft :) ATB

20-01-18, 21:54
Well 24 hrs passed but now strangely the clock is out its stuck at 19:29 today I set the time correct at 19:29 yesterday after new bios upgrade was downloaded which makes me think if it has got a battery (BIOS) inside its not that as it lasted a full 24 hrs where yesterday and beyond it was much less than 24 hrs so think Terry you are right its probably the BIOS settings but where are they and what do you look for that may be wrong? Ideas please TIA :) ATB

21-01-18, 11:26
Iam stuck as what to do, as Intel will not offer any telephone/email support any more as the device is now no longer supported?. 1. Would selecting a different Internet time server from the drop down list (via desk top screen) other than time.windows.com help and why are there different time servers? 2. On the same page the Apply button doesn't seem to do anything when clicked? 3. It's too much of a coincidence since the recent Microsoft upgrade to fix security flaws in it's chip sets would cause my clock to go funny It has to be that update that's caused this to happen. So someone with a good knowledge of Windows 8.1 would be useful TIA :) ATB

21-01-18, 21:33
Can you try uninstalling that particular update to see if did mess up the time on your PC?

21-01-18, 23:28
I could but its too much mither to mess about so going to try the BIOS settings after power on from shutdown then F2 or delete to access bios screen Still don't know if its got a bios battery and intel didn't know either:huh: Thanks Hollow :) ATB

22-01-18, 09:56
I don't know if this will help anyone to give me a answer as I do every night put my pc in to sleep mode so nothing is displayed on my tv screen and it's instant start up when you need it :) Here's the thing the time was incorrect last night 19:29 so I went to bed got up just now and checked the time after waking my pc and it was still at 19:29 so even though the pc was sleeping there was still power going to it which should mean the clock would be running in the back ground. So any ideas as to the problem please? I cant be the only member on here that has had a problem with the incorrect time displayed on their Pc's? TIA :)

22-01-18, 14:04
Really need some definitive answers on this and I am not buying another device not over a time issue no chance TIA :)

22-01-18, 19:15
Any one?

22-01-18, 19:25
Can you try the below solution:

1. Open cmd prompted as administrator (Windows key+ X select Command prompt (admin):

a. Type "w32tm /debug /disable" and press 'Enter'

b. Type "w32tm /unregister" and press 'Enter' (without using the first command the second did not work!)

You should get the response " W32Time successfully unregistered"

c. Type "w32tm /register" and press 'Enter'

You should get the response "W32Time successfully registered"

d. Type "net start w32time" and press 'Enter'

You should get the response "The windows Time Service is starting. The windows time service was started successfully.

Restart your PC.

22-01-18, 20:35
Will try that do I include the " as you typed? the clock even though its way out has jumped 12 mins from 19:10 to 19:22 after restart will the correct time be displayed? So will give that ago thx ATB

22-01-18, 21:37
No, you just need to type in the below commands without the quotation marks and press Enter after each command.

"w32tm /debug /disable" and press 'Enter'

"w32tm /unregister" and press 'Enter'

"w32tm /register" and press 'Enter'

"net start w32time" and press 'Enter'

23-01-18, 02:09
Why not ask on the tech forums?

---------- Post added at 02:09 ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 ----------

Iam stuck as what to do, as Intel will not offer any telephone/email support any more as the device is now no longer supported?. 1. Would selecting a different Internet time server from the drop down list (via desk top screen) other than time.windows.com help and why are there different time servers? 2. On the same page the Apply button doesn't seem to do anything when clicked? 3. It's too much of a coincidence since the recent Microsoft upgrade to fix security flaws in it's chip sets would cause my clock to go funny It has to be that update that's caused this to happen. So someone with a good knowledge of Windows 8.1 would be useful TIA :) ATB

Are you set to GMT in the options? I've never used Win8 but XP, 7 & 10 have always been set to GMT. In that link I gave you for 8 it shows a selected time zone so that suggests to me you should be able to pick GMT and I'm wondering whether that is set to the wrong zone because no matter how many times you do it manually, it will synchronise as long as the function is set to on.

Time.windows.com doesn't pick a time zone so I would expect it to use the one in the previous function otherwise it would have no way of knowing unless it worked on location.

23-01-18, 13:50
Why not ask on the tech forums?

---------- Post added at 02:09 ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 ----------

Are you set to GMT in the options? I've never used Win8 but XP, 7 & 10 have always been set to GMT. In that link I gave you for 8 it shows a selected time zone so that suggests to me you should be able to pick GMT and I'm wondering whether that is set to the wrong zone because no matter how many times you do it manually, it will synchronise as long as the function is set to on.

Time.windows.com doesn't pick a time zone so I would expect it to use the one in the previous function otherwise it would have no way of knowing unless it worked on location. No GMT option but UTC Lisbon/ etc, and London it's always been set to that in time zone :) ATB going to try Hollow's suggestion and see what happens and now I have 2 screens on my tv now how do I revert back to one screen? Arrgh ATB

---------- Post added at 12:09 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ----------

Can you try the below solution:

1. Open cmd prompted as administrator (Windows key+ X select Command prompt (admin):

a. Type "w32tm /debug /disable" and press 'Enter'

b. Type "w32tm /unregister" and press 'Enter' (without using the first command the second did not work!)

You should get the response " W32Time successfully unregistered"

c. Type "w32tm /register" and press 'Enter'

You should get the response "W32Time successfully registered"

d. Type "net start w32time" and press 'Enter'

You should get the response "The windows Time Service is starting. The windows time service was started successfully.

Restart your PC. No it's not accepting the command after I hit enter?? Just keeps saying internal/external path not known? this is not a command? SO annoyed now ATB

---------- Post added at 12:10 ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 ----------

Some one needs to screen share with me please

---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ----------

Yes got the prompt screen up there is typed stuff already there in the box think it's got typed in already: c:Windows/system32> do I start typing after the> or start a new line?
It simply said not a recognised internal/external command, operable program or batch file. So well stuffed any further help would be great at the and of the day Intel/Mircosoft should be helping really irregardless of wether the device is no longer supported or not I haven't caused this problem so its up to them to fix it :) And yet it's just to set and keep the time correct never thought it would be this difficult though tech sucks.

On another rant like the other day I have PVR many of us do but because ITV always have the correct codes to start and stop a recording of the EPG 4 episodes of coronation street didn't get recorded Fri x 2 and Mon X 2 It doesn't happen all the time and never on any other channel either it's shite. Prefer the old video recorder/tapes at least the timers never played up lol. Rant over ATB

23-01-18, 14:34
You don't need to start a new line just start typing the commands after >. Remember to type commands without the quotation marks and with the spaces in between each word. If the first one doesn't work then just move on to the next one.

23-01-18, 14:49
Yes checked all that the register one did work then a error said this service is marked for deletion? so did the last one net start w32time Got a system error 1058 has occurred the service cant be started either because it is disabled or because it has not enabled to devices associated with it what a pain please will some one screen share with me I have had enough TIA :) ATB

23-01-18, 14:59
It looks like the problem is to do with that service because it needs to be enabled for the time to sync. Maybe the Microsoft update caused it to be disabled?

23-01-18, 17:22
It looks like the problem is to do with that service because it needs to be enabled for the time to sync. Maybe the Microsoft update caused it to be disabled? Yeah quite possible although on Intel's site stick computers (my model) Wasn't affected by the update well I beg to differ my device is running slower than normal its not my broad band connection either. Spoke in great length to a very knowledgable guy at intel and he says there is a bios battery in the device but is going to speak with the tech dept to see if there's any settings that can be changed to make it work re enabling the thing that said it was marked for deletion, I certainly haven't marked anything in that area for deletion apart from my general emails lol. they also said they would send me a new stick next generation (Windows 10) (if they cant fix the problem) via courier free of charge as its still in warranty:yesyes: ATB

24-01-18, 07:26
Interesting thread. I built a new AMD Ryzen system at the beggining of last year and up until the last few months it worked flawlessly (which was quite rare with Ryzen at the time).

Since early November I have had bootloops and a plethora of quirks emerge, for example when the machine goes into ‘sleep’ mode the keyboard will not be able to be used until after a complete restart. It is worth noting that I did overclock the machine, but this should affect performance in the way that it has.

I am almost 100% sure that windows 10 is the main cause. Every update seems to get rid of a something (I.e sleep mode and keyboard power) and replace it with something new. My latest issue is incorrect frequency readings on the processor. Every program I have that is not the windows 10 performance monitor (HWMonitor, Ryzen Master etc) reads 3998mhz (4Ghz) but the task manager shows the dynamic frequency allocation of a non-overclocked chip. Perhaps this is that %10 speed hit that is being talked about?

24-01-18, 11:19
Hi LunaLiuna Try again had to start my reply again pushed the back button then tried to go forward again and post was wiped (thought cookies would have remembered arrgh)

Interesting and quite complex too :) not had any major issues with any of the Microsoft updates only once when I lost sound to certain things but not others which was strange, but Intel sent me a utility package with driver updates and problem solved :)

But not this time problem have tried everything from new BIOS update also sent by Intel
to checking settings etc it's only 15 months old so still within the 2 or 3 year warranty period :) Yes my general browsing is unaffected, but tv catch up services are affected and the servers I connect to will look at my pc's time and think oh you aren't in the UK and wont allow me access to Tv shows I have missed!

So Intel support is going to talk to some one in the tech dept to see if there is anything that can be done to get the clock set and to keep the time displayed correctly, if not they will send me a new pc stick out as the one I have got is still within the 2/3 year warranty period it's only 15 months old.

Your problem with the Keyboard not being recognised by the pc unless it's restarted could be a setting problem is it connected via Blue Tooth or WiFi? So check any settings for Keyboards etc. As for the overclocked CPU you are getting better speeds now I take it? It's just not showing the correct and upgraded speed of the CPU, what is it displaying? And have you tried a complete power off and on again at the mains? ATB

24-01-18, 22:01
I'm not a big fan of updates, Infact I always disable my laptop from downloading any. For personal users there is no need to download these updates. Businesses are more vulnerable to security threats so they should Install updates but after testing them in a lab environment because more often than not they will end up breaking something. I know that Windows 10 forces you to download them but I think they can still be stopped by disabling the Windows update service.

I would suggest that you try to install the latest drivers for your computer.

25-01-18, 16:35
I'm not a big fan of updates, Infact I always disable my laptop from downloading any. For personal users there is no need to download these updates. Businesses are more vulnerable to security threats so they should Install updates but after testing them in a lab environment because more often than not they will end up breaking something. I know that Windows 10 forces you to download them but I think they can still be stopped by disabling the Windows update service.

I would suggest that you try to install the latest drivers for your computer. Hmm, It's a personal choice and think everyone is at 'risk' not just businesses Totally agree they usually do break something after a update more testing is paramount even Intel agreed with that comment ;) no difference there, so does Windows 8.1 force updates too. ATB

26-01-18, 14:35
Interestingly I got fed up and set the time up again for the 3rd time, that was nearly 48hrs ago and it's still correct didn't do anything different from the last 2 times, so maybe 3rd time lucky but had spoke to Intel about it before I set it for the 3rd time, if they had applied a patch or a mini upgrade I would have known about it I presume??
Any way looks like normal service now till Microsoft send out the next monthly update! ATB

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 ----------

Yes nearly 3 days now and clock is hold out good :) So think I can safely say the problem is now fixed :yesyes: ATB