View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Nodes and Night Sweats

12-01-18, 16:01

I'm 20 years old and suffer from HA. During me worst time I discovered some lump in the neck that was a lymph node, this was last march. I went to the doctor and he did indeed told me it was little larger but I was sick at the time so he said if it won't go back down he will do bloods.

Fast forward to 3 weeks after that, visiting another doctor and he said he didn't feel any nodes even though I still felt the same lump and that bloods wont be necessary. During summer I had few episodes of night sweats, it was not drenching but I was waking up with my shirt little damp. Went to a different doctor to tell him about that and a new big node behind my ear, said it's nothing. After a month I went to ENT and got blood test done privatly, blood tests were perfect and ENT said nothing is out of ordinary.

But now... On new years eve I noticed a lot of lumps in the neck, some feel pretty big but now I don't even know if they're lymph nodes or not, on the right side of my neck right under my jaw I can feel a super hard rock lump, maybe its a node maybe its a bone, I can't feel the same on the other side because of the nodes. Again I wake up at night with shirt little damp, that makes me scared to fall asleep as all I think is that I will wake up sweating and that I have lymphoma.

I can go to the doctor in end of January, no sooner, as my Uni is closed and I can't afford to pay for a family one. I feel terrible as I read so much about lyphoma and big nodes and hard rock ones are said to be cancer, I don't know what to do anymore, I just want to coast through till end of the month so I can go see a doc.