View Full Version : So anxious right now about health

12-01-18, 17:04
Please can someone talk to me I’m currently at work and I’m having a massive anxiety attack, I’ve had a pain in my right side of my back for years dr says it’s muscle pain, but yesterday it starting hurting and I’ve got pain that keeps going through the right side of my body like through my throat up to my ear and back if my head all down my arm and leg, it’s making me so anxious that there is something seriously wrong, the worst is my throat feels like it keeps throbbing and it’s dry please someone respond.

12-01-18, 21:24
Obviously I can't diagnose but it sounds like the symptoms that I get from silent reflux. It's very painful in my throat and back and I can sometimes feel it in my head and jaw. It's not serious. Just a suggestion.

12-01-18, 21:28
You say your at work, could it be posture related? Are you sitting awkwardly and maybe irritating a nerve?

12-01-18, 21:28
Can reflux do that because I have been having stomach issues because of my anxiety and I do get burning sensations in my chest and throat, but the throbbing in my throat is making me so anxious.

12-01-18, 21:52
Yes it can cause lots of symptoms between the upper abdomen and the head

12-01-18, 22:00
Don’t think it’s posture related as I’m on my feet at work I don’t sit down but it’s always worse when I’m walking.

When ever I have the slightest pain I think it’s the worst thing and my mind goes in to overdrive and I think I’m going to die. I’m trying to convince myself it’s nothing serious but wen I’m constantly in pain it feels like really makes me depressed

12-01-18, 22:01
I know just how you feel. It's horrible to be so anxious

12-01-18, 22:02
I have throat problems with reflux too

12-01-18, 22:53
What are your symptoms for reflux? And how do you stop it?

12-01-18, 23:34
Mine are a feeling of being full and food coming back up slightly and something at the back of my throat. I get a sore throat, post nasal drip, head and jaw pain. Pain in my upper back after a large meal. Sometimes rib pain. I've had an upper endoscopy with nothing found except mild gastritis. I take 15mg lansoprazole in the morning which makes it bearable. 30mg completely stops it but gives me side effects worse than the reflux!

12-01-18, 23:52
how do you stop it?

I agree with the others. It definitely sounds like reflux. Everyone experiences it a little different but most of what you've said many here including myself have felt.

If it's mild, you can try an OTC PPI like Zantac or Prilosec. Keeping a bottle of antacid or chewable tabs helps too. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about it. Diet is very important. Look at the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet. Keep a journal for a month or so of when and what you eat (everything) and cull foods out of your diet that cause a reaction.

If it persists, certainly see your doctor about it. Prescription PPIs work pretty darn well. My wife and I are on Protonix and between that and diet, we're good :)

Positive thoughts

13-01-18, 08:56
Katie55 thank you for your reply, Sometimes when I’m eating after a few mouthfuls I feel really full and makes me feel like the food is in my throat and I’m going to be sick, under my ribs feel like there burning sometimes and the bottom of my throat flutters all the time which makes me have anxiety that it’s my heart fluttering.

Fishmanpa I’m going to look at the foods I eat I think and if that doesn’t help I will go to the doctors, thanks for your help

13-01-18, 12:55
I can't tolerate white bread, it feels like it just lies in my stomach. I am fine with all types of granary or seeded. If I avoid white flour I'm not too bad.