View Full Version : Rough patch on gums. Anyone?

12-01-18, 18:20
Today I noticed that behind my bottom front teeth are two smallish rough patches of skin. One is a bit larger than the other but when I look at it with a torch (flashlight) to get a good look in the mirror I don't see anything unusual. Maybe a bit paler but not white or anything that stands out. I feel if I go to the dentist about it they wont even see it!

I can't feel anything with my fingers either, just my tongue. Has anyone got anything like this going on? I was at the dentist in November for a routine check up and a clean and nothing was said then that anything was wrong.

I don't smoke or drink so I got that going for me I guess but I do worry about HPV stuff though.

Has anyone got rough patches of skin on their gums? Looking for some reassurance. :unsure:

12-01-18, 18:27
Looking for some reassurance. :unsure:

"I was at the dentist in November for a routine check up and a clean and nothing was said then that anything was wrong".

Positive thoughts

12-01-18, 18:42
Yeah Fishmanpa, I keep telling myself if there was something surely the dentist would have picked it up, but then again I didn't have these rough patches when I went in for my appointment.

I didn't eat anything that jabbed me or that was hot or anything so dunno what's caused the skin to be so rough and sand papery there. My mouth isn't dry or anything. I dunno, it's just something I thought I'd ask about to see if anyone else has something like it or had something like it for the reassurance factor.

12-01-18, 19:05
Hi there,

I've had this a lot and never thought anything about it, my dentist, like yours has never mentioned it and I assume its a very common thing to get. You are absolutely fine, totally natural for the gums to do this I believe. The only time to worry about gums is when they become swollen and extremely painful. :flowers:

Peace and love

12-01-18, 21:10
Thank you so much. It just helps me when someone else has experienced the same stuff and it turns out it's okay. Really keeps me from freaking out! I've been a bit teary but now feel a bit of a weight being lifted after reading that!