View Full Version : Food hurtng chest swallowing - Please Help

12-01-18, 19:28
Ive had reflux for many years and take omeprazole that controls it.
I have been getting a pain in my chest when I swallow.
I have been very stressed recently and left my job due to bullying.
I had this in 2009 and an endoscopy was normal.
I'm so scared and worried , I have a bp phobia and do not want another endoscopy.
Has anyone had pain when swallowing and its turnt out not to be anything serious.
Thank you

13-01-18, 16:26
Can anyone help

14-01-18, 10:23
It's really bad today, has anyone had this ?

15-01-18, 00:28
I now also have pain in my back when swallowing , even liquids
Please can someone advise , I'm so scared

15-01-18, 00:47
Your best bet is to see a doctor, none of us here are qualified to diagnose you. Surely it would be better to seek help from a professional, especially if it's getting worse, instead of waiting days for a response here?

Please don't take this the wrong way, it's not meant in malice. It's just that I don't think it's a good idea to take the advice of strangers on the internet over a doctor.

15-01-18, 11:41

I'm not a medical person, and I do agree with the previous poster that you should have a quick check at the GP - however, I will say that I have had pain when swallowing in front and back (mostly back) on and off for a year or so, and also get it when I burp (this year has been astonishingly stressfulf or me). Sometimes it disappears and sometimes it comes back for a week or so. I figured it was from intense stress and holding muscles badly when eating and doing certain activities.

I have found that I tend to lean onto my left arm and stretch my skeletal muscles on that side when reading and on the phone, and I get the pain on that side then when eating. It is possible your problem could be from muscle/skeletal trauma from anxiety, I've found others who have had it, and odd swallowing pain, a doctor has even eventually been able to advise which muscles they have affected (eating of course involves muscles lol)...BUT...and the big BUT.....you need to ensure that you see someone to rule anything else out like reflux or other gastric issues, or even a throat infection, or oesophagitis.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, and having to make a GP appointment will probably send your stress even higher. However, it is the sensible thing to do...AND...just because you are feeling something doesn't mean it it something serious. Infact it is unlikely to be serious as you are on a good antacid medication.

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ----------

Sorry, just read your post again you said 'I had this in 2009 and it was nothing serious'....do you mean you've felt this swallowing pain front and back before ?

---------- Post added at 11:41 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------

PB, can I add one more thought.....I quickly checked back your posts to 2009, when you first said you were convinced you had MND. Now, that is 9 years ago, and clearly you didn't have MND as to be frank you'd probably have passed from it by now. (My Dad has MND incidentally). SO, can you apply the same logic to this, just because you get a symptom it doesn't mean that its a life-threatening and could really be something very minor. Through life we are all going to have a few health things that need treating :o)

15-01-18, 14:21
Thank you for your reply. I have made an appointment to see my gp. I do think stress could be causing the problem.
I have had similar pains before. It's just so hard not to panic ..

15-01-18, 16:04
well, you know what, if you've had similar before, and they disappeared before......then.......that should ease your fears somewhat. Anything that has happened, then resolved with no serious consequences, is a good thing. :D