View Full Version : Petrified

28-06-07, 19:02

Im waiting on a CT scan due to having pain in one side of my head,pulsating that i can feel on my scalp etc

I feel so dizzy all the time
I can feel an ache and pulsating at my ear,i can also feel my pulse at the same area and on the temple at that side too

Im so terrified im going to have a stroke
My friend says its good that i can feel it on my scalp cos then it isnt a blood vessel in my brain thats causing it all , is that true?

Its sometimes tender to touch and lie on that side.Ive also got pain and masses of pressure in my ear and on the side of my head.Dr says my ears are fine.My eyes feels hot(like my ear)and sometimes waters like mad and can get bloodshot and irritated

My neck is sore on the same side and seems like swollen although i was told that was muscular.My shoulder and arm are sore and weak

Im so scared.Has anyone ever had anything similar?
I feel as if im going to pass out all the time too
I think i must have a clot although Dr says no.What do they know,he obv just thinks cos im under 40 im fine , ewll im not

Im crying lots , Im so so scared
Sorry for going on
Hunny x

29-06-07, 00:00
Your friend is right Hunny, if you can feel the problem on the surface of your scalp, then it is not in your brain and you are not likely to have a stroke. The dizzyness and feeling like you are going to pass out could well be due to anxiety, your neck, shoulder and arm sound like muscle strains. Don't know about the other things, but it doesn't sound like a clot.
I know you're scared Hunny, it must be horrible, I know only too well what it's like, the doc probably does'nt realise how scared you are, but hang in there you will know soon and it will probably be ok.

29-06-07, 12:51
It sounds like anxiety to me, your anxious so your tensing your muscles in your neck, arm and head. If you are tense your muscles will tense and cause pain, your pulse will be fast and you will feel it pulsating in places.

I am sure its nothing to worry about. If your GP thought it was he would of admited you to hospital straight away.

30-06-07, 15:01

Thank You

I know this time it is way more than anxiety

Im in so much discomfort

Hunny x

02-07-07, 02:40
Hunny, when is your CT scan? Are you feeling any better? Thinkin' about you!

03-07-07, 11:35
I got into a state last year with my ears/sinusses/neck etc and can relate to some of the symptoms you've mentioned.

It started with my left ear feeling fizzy and tender then this spread to my neck and the back of my head. Pressure pains and tenderness. Whatever I was doing during the day, all I could think about was the pressure and pains I was having. Some days I felt impulses in other parts of my head too (temple, top of my head)- always on the left hand side and generally feelings of pressure.

I know it's not the same as you've described but I think some of the symptoms sound like they may be similar. In the end mine's turned out to be allergies causing sensations that I got into a frenzy about, because I was 100% convinced I had various tumours and none of the doctors could find them and they didn't know anything, and then this made it all worse.

My doctor told me that, with me, she felt there was something minor that was wrong that had kick started it (maybe glue ear, a minor infection or a sinus allergy or something) and that I was magnifying it and the stress was making it unbearable. I didn't believe her and thought I was being fobbed off but a year down the line I can see she was probably right.

03-07-07, 11:55
I too was thinking of ear problems. They can make you feel as you've described.

My husband had a brain MRI last year due to dizziness, foggy head feeling etc. They didn't find anything and it cleared up on it's own.

I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. :hugs:

03-07-07, 16:05
i too had to go for a brain scan when i first experienced panic attacks 8 years ago, i to believed that this had to be more deep seated than anxiety but turned out not to be. I convinced myself i had a brain tumour. i hope your scan will come back fine, but do not underestimated the discomfort you can feel with anxiety.