View Full Version : My doctor has confused me over acid reflux!

28-06-07, 19:27
I went back to the doctor today over this sickness feeling and burping etc.

I said to the doctor that I have a white tongue and numbness / soreness and this feeling of being sick and burping and could anxiety cause this?

He replied with a streight NO.......!

That is all i wanted to hear, made me worse, whish i never asked the question.

He did not even look in my mouth, he just said acid will cause all those things you just told me.

He then gave me LANSOPRAZOLE 30mg for a month and then answered his phone and opened the door for me to leave.

These doctors of today make us anxiety people leave worse then when we entered.

My anxiety books do detail acid is an anxiety symtom but then the doctor tells me it's not, what am i suppose to believe?


28-06-07, 22:15
Hi Red,

sometimes i have gp appointments that make me worse and i think why did i ask that?
With health anxiety we are constanly seeking reassurance from others, but its not always that helpful and can more often than not make us worse.
If your gp thought it was anything other than indigestion he wouldnt dismiss you so easily.
Personnally i do think it can be caused by stress/anxiety. But my hubby is so laid back and he suffers terribly. We are all different and anxiety effects us in many different ways.
Have you ever thought that the tongue sensations you are experiencing are to do with sticking it out to look at it? It is a muscle.

anx xx

28-06-07, 22:24
Hi Red
Well i get bouts of acid reflux and have the medication you have and i also seem to get it when im really stressed or anxious but then all doctors tend to have thier own opions dont they? The tablets work very well for me and i do hope youre feeling better soon.
Take care Annexx

miss motown
28-06-07, 22:34
hi hun i see your gp gave you the same meds he gave me last week try them for a week and you should notice the difference.take care x

29-06-07, 09:27
I've noticed that a lot of people with anxiety also seem to suffer with acid reflux, I know I do. I know Dr's are supposed to know everything, but quite honestly when it comes to anxiety I really don't think they do. When we are anxious we tend to swallow a lot of air and that makes up burp a lot and if you also consider the fact that the stomach is extremely sensitive to stress then it's no wonder we get acid reflux in my opinion.

29-06-07, 20:18
I've been on those tablets too the doctor gave me them as I was panicing when I had heartburn I've now stopped them and the heartburn/indigestion is back. I must repeat to myself I've had 2 ECGS I'm fine. Every twinge round my chest area I think something bad is happening but I've had them for 2 months and I'm still here! :blush::D

02-07-07, 12:43
Well, this is my 4th day on lansoprazole and no sign of improvment.

This and what the doctor said about anxiety not causing it is making me think that something could be wrong.


02-07-07, 19:49
Your doctor needs changing!
Its a known fact that stress causes your stomach to produce higher levels of acid hence why some people suffer from stomache ulcers through stress! Rest assured that that your stress and anxiety are doing this and the more you worry about it the worse it makes it! Its a viscious circle i think we all have been in here! I know i have.

04-07-07, 08:02

I appear to be getting worse, not better.

All though the night I have had the runs, tummy ache and over the past few days, i have not been eating my usual.

Not sure if all this is down to worry or there is something up.

I think I might go back on my normal dose of amatriptiline as I lowed to 20mg.


06-07-07, 20:23
I hope you are feeling better. Let me just say that when I am in the middle of a panic episode (they usually last over a week) I get terrible stomach acid problems. I start producing stomach acid like crazy and it gives me a burning in my chest and throat and I can actually feel it in the upper part of my stomach.I burp up more acid and somtimes it can get yucky. (I know, too much info! :) ) I just wanted you to know that I personally think panic/anxiety and acid reflux definately go hand-in-hand. You are not alone!

07-07-07, 12:37
your doctor is talking b*****s!
i suffered so badly for 2 yrs,leading to 3 investigative procedures
and i was told that all my stomach problems were due to anxiety/ptsd.
i saw a superb consultant who told me "there are more nerves going from the brain to the gut than there are nerves going from the brain to the spinal chord" if you suffer anxiety,chances are you will feel it in the stomach.
wishing you peace and health
ade xxxxx

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08-07-07, 23:17
Hi Red,

**I went back to the doctor today over this sickness feeling and burping etc.**

My daugher had the same symptoms, hand on heart red, these are symptoms of anxiety, my daughter used to feel sick alot and burp alot, it even came out the other end, if you know what I mean.

When are anxiety is high, are body producers wind, in turn we get more acid, the wind makes the acid rise, acid reflux, this can make us feel sick.

We have a valve which hold are food down, as we swollow, it opens then closes, if we have alot of gasses in are tummy, it move up very qickey though this valve, lets face it, it HAS to come out.

Try doing some light bending exercise, or lay on the floor or bed, liff your legs a little and move them round in a circula motion, this may expell the wind.

Hope this helps a little, even if its just knowing your not alone.

You take care