View Full Version : Health anxiety has taken its hold 😣

Cherry Bakewell
13-01-18, 09:22
Well where to start, I'm currently sat at home wondering whether to visit the doctor......again! I hate the way I cannot rationalise illness. I have an ear infection for which I was prescribed antibiotics. My ear started blocking up but I devided to keep going with the antibiotics. However, I started to worry so went to the doctor again. He looked down my ear and said 'wow nasty'. He couldn't believe it was so bad even after antibiotics so gave me new antibiotics and sent me on my way. I then got a bad cold as well which I convinced myself was Aussie flu. The news reports of people dying sent me into a frenzy. The cold went however and this is where I then decided that this is not an ear infection and that the infection has spread to my brain because i've got a nagging pain in my head. Im now panicking thinking i need to go to the hospital. I am worried about needing a lumbar puncture, worrying I'm going to die and never see my Son again, all irrational but uncontrollable. I've not slept. My partner cannot understand me and my health anxiety infuriates him so I tend to ruminate in my head and get myself into a complete state. This all started 12 years ago after getting misdiagnosed by a GP for a chest pain that they said was anxiety but turned out to be a blood clot on the lung. From this day forward, I have never been able to trust a doctor. I've had CBT but this hasn't worked and I'm on anxiety meds but i fear i will never change this.

Clydesdale Epona
13-01-18, 15:40
So super sorry to hear you got misdiagnosed :(

Its not very common for misdiagnoses to happen and so I don't believe it will happen again.

I personally think its just a headache from the after effects, ear infections can put strain on your head or it could even be a headcold.

There have been a lot of ear infections and headaches going around, my father has had one that has lasted for quite some time now but its almost gone.

I don't believe you need to go to the hospital, if it lasts a while and you're still concerned it might be worth checking it out with your GP but honestly you don't have to rush off to A and E :)

Best wishes :hugs:

13-01-18, 16:15
Agree with epona, misdiagnosis is a rare occurence despite what papers would have us believe. I would actually say that the chances of it happening again are even lower than the first time, doctors don't like making mistakes so they will likely be evwn more vigilant with you now.

They will also likely realise that they have lost your trust and will want to fix that.