View Full Version : Stalker won’t leave me alone

13-01-18, 12:14
I have a stalker. He reverse image searched me and ended up finding me on a mental health forum. I did post my pictures there, but I thought google wouldn’t index them since it was in the member’s only section. After that I pretended to be his friend for a year because I was scared of him doxxing me and going crazy. Eventually I couldn’t take his extremely clinginess and blocked him. He went absolutely mental after that. Now he said that if I don’t unblock PMs from him he’s going to meet up with me in real life. He also made some extremely creepy comment about how I wouldn’t be so neurotic if I just let him hold me in his arms. He’s not a member of this forum so I don’t think mods can do anything. Unless he finds me here as well. This username is completely unique to this site, but he might end up finding me when he googles HOCD again. He loves to trigger my HOCD on purpose. What a psychopath.

13-01-18, 13:52
Well if he did ever make it on here, please report him immediately. Admin are very good, they will boot his backside straight off and support you. As will we, I'm sure a few of us can give a stalker some grief on threads if needed. So, you wouldn't be on your own on here.

Have you consulted the police, legal advice or abuse charities over what you can do? I know you mentioned a lack of cyberstalking laws in Canada but even before ours came out the police still had existing harassment laws they could use to arrest people like this. Threatening feeds right into any harassment laws usually but I don't know Canadian laws.

13-01-18, 15:59
Terry is right but if he does find his way here simply on any posts he posts next to the post count eg:#2 there's a red triangle click on that and fill the message field out and send if he pm's you block and send a pm to a Admin or a mod. HTH ATB

14-01-18, 11:48
:ohmy: Please report to police if you haven't already. This sounds horrid xx

14-01-18, 14:03
Hi Weebo, just wanted to say that I have unfortunately been in similar circumstances. As a result, I am very cautious about where I put pictures and who can see them. All my social media is private and I have blocked the person who stalked me from everything I can. It made me very anxious and nervous for a few years about him finding me, but now that I am several years out I am much calmer about it. But don't be afraid to report him either to the websites or the police if needed.

14-01-18, 17:50
Hi Weebo, just wanted to say that I have unfortunately been in similar circumstances. As a result, I am very cautious about where I put pictures and who can see them. All my social media is private and I have blocked the person who stalked me from everything I can. It made me very anxious and nervous for a few years about him finding me, but now that I am several years out I am much calmer about it. But don't be afraid to report him either to the websites or the police if needed.
I’ve tried reporting him to websites, but the mods are friends with him. Maybe I’ll try talking to the police. I just don’t know what they’d do about cyberstalking.

14-01-18, 18:39
I’ve tried reporting him to websites, but the mods are friends with him. Maybe I’ll try talking to the police. I just don’t know what they’d do about cyberstalking.

They take it very seriously and if you have evidence, they'll take care of it.

Positive thoughts

23-01-18, 12:02
Talk to the police, they will help you. Here in Holland the police is very serious when stalking is involved.

Take care.