View Full Version : Partner with OCD?

13-01-18, 13:50
Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. It's been a while since I've posted here and I've been fortunate to have hit a plateau of general stability with my OCD, in which things seem manageable. Appropriate medication and a good exercise routine have really helped. I generally get themes around relationships and sexuality, as well as health anxiety, but haven't suffered in a while.

My reason for writing is that I have a question about my partner's behaviour: is it possible that she is also suffering from a form of OCD? As an example, I changed the bedsheets and put out some laundry today, and she came home and adjusted the way I had done both chores, claiming that the laundry 'needed to be a certain way' to dry, and that 'I hadn't got the pillows right'. It's been a while since she has behaved in this way, but in the past this kind of thing has created some tension in our marriage. In the past, I have reacted with anger and now I'm trying to think about whether it's actually possibly some kind of mental health issue for her. It usually ends with me apologising for getting angry, and her saying 'I'm sorry I made you feel that way' but not really seeing that there might be anything undermining about the way she is being.

Of course it seems unlikely that two people might have the same condition, but stranger things have happened. Any thoughts?

Very best, B x

14-01-18, 15:25
I don't think it's that unlikely you're both suffering from a form of OCD. Both me and my husband do but with different forms.
I think that you should talk to her about it, does she feel that there may be a problem? I remember learning in therapy that everyone has a degree of OCD it's just how much distress it causes and how much it gets in the way of day to day life. I think whether it's clinical OCD or not it would be reasonable for you to try to understand that your partner isn't doing these things to be irritating it's just how she likes to do things.