View Full Version : Need some words of encouragement :-(

13-01-18, 16:27
Really struggling with HA today, keep trying to convince myself it’s just anxiety but it feels so real. Got exams at the minute which I don’t feel that stressed about but I’m wondering is it coming about due to stress at the back of my mind from it

Felt really out of sorts today, spaced out, forgetful, lethargic, pressure in my head and as soon as the idea of meningitis came into my head it’s all I could think about... started to panic and am waiting on a doctor to phone me back about it. I’m embarrassed to answer the phone when they call because I know I’m probably being unreasonable and wasting their time. Also just felt like my face was a strange numb feeling on my left side but I can’t even tell if I’m imagining it or if its real. Does anyone have experience imagining feelings or pains and how to know if it’s real?

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13-01-18, 16:36
When I am stressed about something my HA will come on so bad, certainly sounds like anxiety symptoms you just mentioned I have had those feelings many times.

13-01-18, 18:08
Really struggling with HA today, keep trying to convince myself it’s just anxiety but it feels so real. Got exams at the minute which I don’t feel that stressed about but I’m wondering is it coming about due to stress at the back of my mind from it

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

Chris 614
13-01-18, 21:45
A counselor once told me that anxiety without a purpose looks for something to grab onto. For me, when I am having an anxious day/week/month, and can't pinpoint why I am anxious, my thoughts tend to turn inward and start scanning my body. So all of the symptoms being caused by anxiety become a focus and the HA revs up and takes off. Your anxiety grabbed on to meningitis, but all of the symptoms you are having describe anxiety. Answer the phone when the doctor calls.

13-01-18, 23:56
Thanks people :-) felt better after a couple of hours, just need to ride out the panic. Felt like it came out of the blue

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14-01-18, 04:11
That sound 100 percent like anxiety. Meningitis would have you feeling extremely rubbish.