View Full Version : i would like to start an ethical and fair trade market stall - anyone interested? =)

28-06-07, 21:35
hiya, i know this probably isn't in the right section but i just thought it would be sooo silly not to mention my plans for this here, as I'm sure there are lots of people who feel like me in being unsure how to get work or how to move life back on track or get out of personal ruts. I want to find cool people who can get involved so i can get my little dream off it's feet!

Could a moderator maybe move this to the right place? Is there a section for just random chatter?

Ok so, to explain, I want to start a market or street trading stall somewhere pleasant but fairly cheap in the UK, to enjoy the experience of supporting myself and being in control of my own life, but mostly to support ethical companies and good causes and to have fun with friends :)

I want to sell hemp clothing and accessories, CND merchandise, maybe poi, ethically made fair trade trainers and things, maybe fair trade juice and the ecologist magazine... anything really as long as it's promoting the right kinda stuff!! and I want to use the stall to support other good causes through leaflets and stuff, things like Triodos bank, Ecotricity energy, Greenpeace, the Green Party, etc etc!

So is anyone interested at all? Just post here! :)

I have also set up this group page on care2 to make it easier to gather people together and get things organized...


I was thinking of calling the project "Sombrero"... kinda named after the Siesta fair trade shop in Canterbury :)

Thanks for reading everyone, and any help would be very much appreciated! If anyone can commit to it lots though that would be just priceless, as i need someone to work with on it keep it running with me (I have had varied luck with finding people).


Hoppi :flowers: